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The DJUTILS DATA project contains packages for managing, writing and reading tabular structured data. Data can be written and read in several formats:

  • CSV (comma-separated values)
  • TSV (tab-separated values)
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • XML (Extensible Markup Language)

This could be extended with storage in various databases, etc.

No matter what storage is used, the stored data is accompanied by some meta-data that describes the data in each column. This meta-data is needed to reconstruct the tabular structed data when reading. For CSV and TSV data, the meta-data is stored in a separate file, for JSON and XML, the meta-data is stored in the same file.

When in-memory, the data can be read and written using the functions defined in the java Interface. It is not possible to delete particular records. Of course, an entire in-memory table can be deleted by dropping all references to it (and letting the garbage collector do its work). A table on disk can be deleted by deleting the file(s).

Maven use

Maven is one of the easiest ways to include DJUTILS-DATA in a Java project. The Maven files for DJUTILS-DATA reside at Maven Central as of version 2.0.0. When a POM-file is created for the project, the following snippet needs to be included to include DJUTILS-DATA:


Of course, the version number (2.3.0 in the above example) needs to be replaced with the version that one wants to include in the project.

DJUTILS-DATA jars before version 2 are kept on a server at TU Delft at