DJUTILS-DATA - Delft Java Utilities
The base DJUTILS-DATA project contains a set of Java classes that can store (measured or generated) data in a structured table and write these tables to XML, JSON, CSV, and TSV. The files can also be read back into a table. The classes have, amongst others, the following functionalities:
- Storing data in a table with structured records.
- Reading / writing comma-separated files.
- Reading / writing tab-separated files (e.g., to read into Excel).
- Reading / writing XML files using a Stream reader / writer to avoid double memory use.
- Reading / writing JSON files using a Stream reader / writer to avoid double memory use.
DJUTILS-DATA has an open source BSD 3-clause license.
- Third party components used in DJUTILS-DATA can not have a license that is more restrictive than BSD, Apache, MIT, LGPL, or Eclipse.
- DJUTILS-DATA can be incorporated in part or in full in other products for any use (educational, commercial, whatever).
- DJUTILS-DATA may be extended, evolved by anyone into anything else for any purpose.