Uses of Class
Packages that use Point2d
The draw package contains the generic classes for device-independent drawing.
Methods for Bounds of an object to quickly determine whether an object needs to be drawn or not.
Continuous lines are (mathematically) defined curves that:
have no gaps
have a start point
have an end point
have a defined direction at the start point
have a defined direction at the end point
may have knots along the way.
have no gaps
have a start point
have an end point
have a defined direction at the start point
have a defined direction at the end point
may have knots along the way.
The line package provides an interface and different implementations for lines.
The djutils-draw point package provides a set of interfaces and implementations of Points.
Uses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw
Methods in org.djutils.draw that return Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionApply the stored transform on the provided point and return a point with the transformed coordinate.Methods in org.djutils.draw that return types with arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionApply the stored transform on the points generated by the provided pointIterator.Methods in org.djutils.draw with parameters of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionApply the stored transform on the provided point and return a point with the transformed coordinate.Translate coordinates by a the x and y values contained in a Point2d.Method parameters in org.djutils.draw with type arguments of type Point2d -
Uses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw.bounds
Methods in org.djutils.draw.bounds that return Point2dMethods in org.djutils.draw.bounds that return types with arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBounds2d.iterator()
(Collection<Drawable2d> drawableCollection) Return an iterator that will return all points of one or more Drawable2d objects.Bounds2d.pointsOf
(Drawable2d... drawable2d) Return an iterator that will return all points of one or more Drawable objects.Methods in org.djutils.draw.bounds with parameters of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
Constructors in org.djutils.draw.bounds with parameters of type Point2dModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct a Bounds2d from an array of Point2d, finding the lowest and highest x and y coordinates.Constructor parameters in org.djutils.draw.bounds with type arguments of type Point2d -
Uses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw.curve
Methods in org.djutils.draw.curve that return Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArc2d.getPoint
(double fraction) Arc2d.getPoint
(double fraction, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Bezier2d.getPoint
(double t) BezierCubic2d.getPoint
(double t) BezierCubic2d.getPoint
(double fraction, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Clothoid2d.getPoint
(double fraction) Clothoid2d.getPoint
(double fraction, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) OffsetCurve2d.getPoint
(double fraction, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Returns the point at the given fraction.Straight2d.getPoint
(double fraction) Straight2d.getPoint
(double fraction, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Methods in org.djutils.draw.curve that return types with arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Flattener.FlattableCurve<Point2d,
Double> OffsetFlattener2d.makeFlattableCurve
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Make a FlattableCurve object.Method parameters in org.djutils.draw.curve with type arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault void
(NavigableMap<Double, Point2d> map, double knot, OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Load one knot in the map of fractions and points.default void
(NavigableMap<Double, Point2d> map, OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Load the knots into the navigable map (including the start point and the end point).Constructors in org.djutils.draw.curve with parameters of type Point2dModifierConstructorDescriptionCreate a Bézier curve of any order.BezierCubic2d
(Point2d[] points) Create a cubic Bézier curve.BezierCubic2d
(Point2d start, Point2d control1, Point2d control2, Point2d end) Create a cubic Bézier curve. -
Uses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw.line
Subclasses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw.lineModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Ray2d is a half-line in 2d; it has one end point with finite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.Methods in org.djutils.draw.line that return Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPolyLine2d.closestPointOnPolyLine
(Point2d point) Ray2d.closestPointOnRay
(Point2d point) LineSegment2d.closestPointOnSegment
(Point2d point) final Point2d
(int i) LineSegment2d.getEndPoint()
(Point2d point) PolyLine2d.projectOrthogonal
(Point2d point) Ray2d.projectOrthogonal
(Point2d point) LineSegment2d.projectOrthogonalExtended
(Point2d point) PolyLine2d.projectOrthogonalExtended
(Point2d point) Ray2d.projectOrthogonalExtended
(Point2d point) Methods in org.djutils.draw.line that return types with arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLineSegment2d.iterator()
(Iterator<Point2d> iterator) Build a list from the Point2d objects that an iterator provides.Methods in org.djutils.draw.line with parameters of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPolyLine2d.closestPointOnPolyLine
(Point2d point) Ray2d.closestPointOnRay
(Point2d point) LineSegment2d.closestPointOnSegment
(Point2d point) boolean
Determine if a point is inside this Polygon.protected static double[]
Make an array of double an fill it with the appropriate coordinate of points.LineSegment2d.projectOrthogonal
(Point2d point) PolyLine2d.projectOrthogonal
(Point2d point) Ray2d.projectOrthogonal
(Point2d point) LineSegment2d.projectOrthogonalExtended
(Point2d point) PolyLine2d.projectOrthogonalExtended
(Point2d point) Ray2d.projectOrthogonalExtended
(Point2d point) double
(Point2d point) final double
(Point2d point) double
(Point2d point) double
(Point2d point) double
(Point2d point) double
(Point2d point) Method parameters in org.djutils.draw.line with type arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Polygon2d
(Iterator<Point2d> iterator) Compute the convex hull of a collection of Point2d objects.static Polygon2d
(List<Point2d> list) Compute the convex hull of a list of Point2d objects.static Polygon2d
(List<Point2d> list) Implementation of the convex hull algorithm by Reham Alshamrani c.s.; see A Preprocessing Technique for Fast Convex Hull Computation.static Polygon2d
(List<Point2d> list) Implementation of Andrew's Monotone Chain convex hull algorithm.PolyLine2d.instantiate
(double epsilon, List<Point2d> pointList) PolyLine2d.iteratorToList
(Iterator<Point2d> iterator) Build a list from the Point2d objects that an iterator provides.protected static double[]
Make an array of double an fill it with the appropriate coordinate of points.Constructors in org.djutils.draw.line with parameters of type Point2dModifierConstructorDescriptionLineSegment2d
(double startX, double startY, Point2d end) Construct a new LineSegment2d from two coordinates and a Point2d.LineSegment2d
(Point2d start, double endX, double endY) Construct a new LineSegment2d from a Point2d and two coordinates.LineSegment2d
(Point2d start, Point2d end) Construct a new LineSegment2d from two Point2d objects.Construct a new Polygon2d.Construct a new Polygon2d.Construct a new Polygon2d.Construct a new Polygon2d.PolyLine2d
(double epsilon, Point2d[] points) Construct a new PolyLine2d from an array of Point2d.PolyLine2d
(double epsilon, Point2d point1, Point2d point2, Point2d... otherPoints) Construct a new PolyLine2d from two or more Point2d arguments.PolyLine2d
(Point2d[] points) Construct a new PolyLine2d from an array of Point2d.PolyLine2d
(Point2d p, double heading) Construct a degenerate PolyLine2d (consisting of only one point).PolyLine2d
(Point2d point1, Point2d point2, Point2d... otherPoints) Construct a new PolyLine2d from two or more Point2d arguments.Construct a new Ray2d.Construct a new Ray2d from a Point2d and a direction.Construct a new Ray2d.Construct a new Ray2d.Constructor parameters in org.djutils.draw.line with type arguments of type Point2dModifierConstructorDescriptionConstruct a new Polygon2d from an iterator that yields Point2d.Construct a new Polygon2d from a list of Point2d objects.Construct a new Polygon2d from an iterator that yields Point2d.Construct a new Polygon2d from a list of Point2d objects.PolyLine2d
(double epsilon, Iterator<Point2d> iterator) Construct a new PolyLine2d from an iterator that yields Point2d objects.PolyLine2d
(double epsilon, List<Point2d> pointList) Construct a new PolyLine2d from a List<Point2d>.PolyLine2d
(Iterator<Point2d> iterator) Construct a new PolyLine2d from an iterator that yields Point2d objects.PolyLine2d
(List<Point2d> pointList) Construct a new PolyLine2d from a List<Point2d>. -
Uses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw.point
Subclasses of Point2d in org.djutils.draw.pointModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A DirectedPoint2d is a Point2d that additionally carries a direction in 2d-space (dirZ).Methods in org.djutils.draw.point that return Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPoint2d.abs()
final Point2d
(double p1X, double p1Y, double p2X, double p2Y) Project a point on a line.Point2d.closestPointOnLine
(double p1X, double p1Y, double p2X, double p2Y, Boolean lowLimitHandling, Boolean highLimitHandling) Compute the closest point on a line with optional limiting of the result on either end.Point2d.closestPointOnLine
(Point2d linePoint1, Point2d linePoint2) final Point2d
(double p1X, double p1Y, double p2X, double p2Y) Project a point on a line segment.Point2d.closestPointOnSegment
(Point2d segmentPoint1, Point2d segmentPoint2) Point2d.interpolate
(Point2d otherPoint, double fraction) static Point2d
(double line1P1X, double line1P1Y, double line1P2X, double line1P2Y, boolean lowLimitLine1, boolean highLimitLine1, double line2P1X, double line2P1Y, double line2P2X, double line2P2Y, boolean lowLimitLine2, boolean highLimitLine2) Compute the 2D intersection of two lines.static Point2d
(double l1P1X, double l1P1Y, double l1P2X, double l1P2Y, double l2P1X, double l2P1Y, double l2P2X, double l2P2Y) Compute the 2D intersection of two lines.static Point2d
(Point2d line1P1, Point2d line1P2, Point2d line2P1, Point2d line2P2) Compute the 2D intersection of two lines.static Point2d
(double line1P1X, double line1P1Y, double line1P2X, double line1P2Y, double line2P1X, double line2P1Y, double line2P2X, double line2P2Y) Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments.static Point2d
(LineSegment2d segment1, LineSegment2d segment2) Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments.static Point2d
(Point2d line1P1, Point2d line1P2, Point2d line2P1, Point2d line2P2) Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments.Point2d.neg()
(double factor) Point2d.translate
(double dX, double dY) Return a new Point2d with a translation by the provided dx and dy.Methods in org.djutils.draw.point that return types with arguments of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPoint2d.circleIntersections
(Point2d center1, double radius1, Point2d center2, double radius2) Return the zero, one or two intersections between two circles.DirectedPoint2d.iterator()
Methods in org.djutils.draw.point with parameters of type Point2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPoint2d.circleIntersections
(Point2d center1, double radius1, Point2d center2, double radius2) Return the zero, one or two intersections between two circles.Point2d.closestPointOnLine
(Point2d linePoint1, Point2d linePoint2) Point2d.closestPointOnSegment
(Point2d segmentPoint1, Point2d segmentPoint2) double
(Point2d otherPoint) Return the direction to another Point2d.double
(Point2d otherPoint) boolean
(Point2d otherPoint, double epsilon) Point2d.interpolate
(Point2d otherPoint, double fraction) static Point2d
(Point2d line1P1, Point2d line1P2, Point2d line2P1, Point2d line2P2) Compute the 2D intersection of two lines.static Point2d
(Point2d line1P1, Point2d line1P2, Point2d line2P1, Point2d line2P2) Compute the 2D intersection of two line segments.Constructors in org.djutils.draw.point with parameters of type Point2dModifierConstructorDescriptionDirectedPoint2d
(Point2d point, double dirZ) Construct a new DirectedPoint2d from a Point2d and a direction.DirectedPoint2d
(Point2d point, double throughX, double throughY) Construct a new DirectedPoint2d from a Point2d and the coordinates of a point that the direction goes through.DirectedPoint2d
(Point2d point, Point2d throughPoint) Construct a new DirectedPoint2d from a Point2d and a point that the direction goes through.Create a new Point3d from x, y stored in a java.awt.geom.Point2D and double z.