Interface Flattener.FlattableCurve<P,DIR>

Type Parameters:
P - the Point type
DIR - the Direction type
All Known Subinterfaces:
Curve2d, Curve3d, OffsetCurve2d
All Known Implementing Classes:
Arc2d, Bezier2d, Bezier3d, BezierCubic2d, BezierCubic3d, Clothoid2d, Straight2d
Enclosing interface:
Flattener<F extends Flattener<F,C,PL,P,DIR>,C extends Curve<?,?,P,F,PL>,PL extends PolyLine<?,P,?,?,?>,P extends Point<P>,DIR>

public static interface Flattener.FlattableCurve<P,DIR>
Interface for getPoint and getDirection that hide whether or not an offset is applied.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getDirection(double fraction)
    Get the direction at some fraction along the Curve.
    getPoint(double fraction)
    Get a Point for some fraction along the Curve.
  • Method Details

    • getPoint

      P getPoint(double fraction)
      Get a Point for some fraction along the Curve.
      fraction - the fraction to use
      the point at the fraction
    • getDirection

      DIR getDirection(double fraction)
      Get the direction at some fraction along the Curve.
      fraction - the fraction to check
      the direction at the fraction