Package org.djutils.draw.line

package org.djutils.draw.line
The line package provides an interface and different implementations for lines.
Various types of line are implemented:
  • LineSegment: straight connection between two points
  • PolyLine: multiple consecutive line segments where the end point of each segment (except the last) is the start of the next
  • Polygon: multiple consecutive line segments where the last end point equals the first start point
  • Ray: straight connection from one (finite) point to infinity (with a precisely defined direction)
Additionally there are generators to approximate Bézier curves and Clothoids.

Copyright (c) 2020-2025 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUTILS License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
  • Class
    LineSegment<P extends Point<P>,D extends Directed<D>>
    LineSegment is the interface for a line segment bound by 2 end points.
    LineSegment2d is a line segment bound by 2 end points in 2D-space.
    LineSegment3d is a line segment bound by 2 end points in 3D-space.
    Closed PolyLine2d.
    Closed PolyLine3d.
    PolyLine<L extends PolyLine<L,P,R,D,LS>,P extends Point<P>,R extends Ray<R,D,P>,D extends Directed<D>,LS extends LineSegment<P,D>>
    PolyLine is the interface for PolyLine2d and PolyLine3d implementations.
    Interface for transition function.
    Implementation of PolyLine for 2D space.
    Implementation of PolyLine for 3D space.
    Project<P extends Point<P>>
    Projection of points onto objects.
    Ray<R extends Ray<R,D,P>,D extends Directed<D>,P extends Point<P>>
    A Ray is a half-line; it has one end point with non-infinite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.
    Ray2d is a half-line in 2d; it has one end point with finite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.
    Ray3d is a half-line in 3d; it has one end point with non-infinite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.