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Metadata is information that describes other data. The DJUTILS metadata package allows one to add a name and a description to a single Object, or an array of Object. The name and description are primarily for human consumption. Additionally, a MetaData object contains one or more machine-readable desciptors of the data. The verifyComposition method of MetaData will check that an Object, or Object[] (array of Object) conforms to the descriptor(s). The metadata package is used in the DJUTILS event package and can be used anywhere else where an Object is used which is actually of more restricted type, but enforcement of that more restricted type is difficult, incomplete, or impossible with java generics.

Verifying a payload takes some CPU time. When that becomes expensive, consider verifying the MetaData in your development and test environment, but not in production software.

Example MetaData for a single object

MetaData singleLong = new MetaData("Payload is one Long", "Payload is one Long; anything else is wrong",
        new ObjectDescriptor("Long", "64 bit Long", Long.class));
singleLong.verifyComposition(123L); // OK
singleLong.verifyComposition(123); // Throws ClassCastException

The code in the last line throws the exception because 123 is an Integer; not a Long.

Example MetaData for an Object array

MetaData objectArray = new MetaData("Payload is object array",
        "Payload is an object array of 3 objects; a String, a Double and an Integer",
        new ObjectDescriptor[] {
                new ObjectDescriptor("String", "String", String.class),
                new ObjectDescriptor("Double", "Double", Double.class),
                new ObjectDescriptor("Integer", "Integer", Integer.class) });
Object[] payload = new Object[] { "This is the string", 123.456, 987 };
objectArray.verifyComposition(payload); // OK
payload = new Object[] { "String", "123.456", 987L };
objectArray.verifyComposition(payload); // Throws ClassCastException

The code in the last line throws a ClassCastException because 987L is a Long; not an Integer.

Special cases

The MetaData.EMPTY object prescribes that the payload shall be null.

The MetaData.NO_META_DATA object prescribes that the composition of the payload is not to be verified because it varies in composition (or because the programmer was too lazy to write a constructor for a MetaData object that correctly describes the payload).