Interface Serializer<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of object that can be serialized and deserialized
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayOrMatrixSerializer, ArrayOrMatrixWithUnitSerializer, BasicPrimitiveArrayOrMatrixSerializer, BasicSerializer, DoubleMatrixSerializer, DoubleScalarSerializer, DoubleVectorArraySerializer, DoubleVectorSerializer, FixedSizeObjectSerializer, FloatMatrixSerializer, FloatScalarSerializer, FloatVectorSerializer, ObjectArraySerializer, ObjectMatrixSerializer, ObjectSerializer, ObjectWithUnitSerializer

public interface Serializer<T>
Interface to serialize and deserialize data.

Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUTILS License.

version Jun 07, 2019

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return a description of the type of data that this serializer handles.
    deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    Return the byte representation of the field type.
    Return the number of dimensions of the stored data.
    serialize(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    serializeWithPrefix(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T including the prefix byte(s).
    size(T object)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    sizeWithPrefix(T object)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (including the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size(T object) throws SerializationException
      Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
      object - T; Instance of the object
      int; the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T
      SerializationException - when the object cannot be serialized
    • sizeWithPrefix

      int sizeWithPrefix(T object) throws SerializationException
      Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (including the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
      object - T; Instance of the object
      int; the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T
      SerializationException - when the object cannot be serialized
    • fieldType

      byte fieldType()
      Return the byte representation of the field type.
    • serialize

      void serialize(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil) throws SerializationException
      Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
      object - T; the object to serialize
      buffer - byte[]; buffer for the serialized T
      pointer - Pointer; position in buffer where the first byte of the serialized T will be stored
      endianUtil - EndianUtil; selects bigEndian or littleEndian encoding
      SerializationException - when a matrix has size zero or is jagged
    • serializeWithPrefix

      void serializeWithPrefix(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil) throws SerializationException
      Serialize an object of type T including the prefix byte(s).
      object - T; the object to serialize
      buffer - byte[]; buffer for the serialized T
      pointer - Pointer; position in buffer where the first byte of the serialized T will be stored
      endianUtil - EndianUtil; selects bigEndian or littleEndian encoding
      SerializationException - when a matrix has size zero or is jagged
    • deSerialize

      T deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil) throws SerializationException
      Deserialize an object of type T. The pointer should be on the first byte of the object; i.e. just after the prefix byte.
      buffer - byte[]; the bytes with serialized data that must be reconstructed into a T
      pointer - Pointer; position in the buffer where the first byte of the serialized T is located
      endianUtil - EndianUtil; selects bigEndian or littleEndian encoding
      T; a T object constructed from the data in the buffer
      SerializationException - when the input data cannot be deserialized
    • dataClassName

      String dataClassName()
      Return a description of the type of data that this serializer handles. The result of this method should not be subject to localization because it is used in the SerialDataDecoder to identify the type of a serializer.
      String; description of the type of data that this serializer handles
    • getNumberOfDimensions

      int getNumberOfDimensions()
      Return the number of dimensions of the stored data.
      int; 0 for plain data, 1 for array, 2 for matrix