Uses of Class

Packages that use SerializationException
Interface and code to serialize and deserialize data.
The different types of (de)serializers..
  • Uses of SerializationException in org.djutils.serialization

    Modifier and Type
    (package private) static Serializer<?>[]
    TypedMessage.buildEncoderList(boolean utf8, Object... content)
    Build the list of serializers corresponding to the data in an Object array.
    static Object[]
    TypedMessage.decode(byte[] buffer, Map<Byte,Serializer<?>> decoderMap, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Decode the message into an object array.
    static Object[]
    TypedMessage.decodeToObjectDataTypes(byte[] buffer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Decode the message into an object array, constructing Java Object arrays and matrices where possible.
    static Object[]
    TypedMessage.decodeToPrimitiveDataTypes(byte[] buffer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Decode the message into an object array, constructing Java Primitive data arrays and matrices where possible.
    EndianUtil.decodeUTF8String(byte[] message, int pointer)
    Decode a String including the length int from the message byte array.
    static byte[]
    TypedMessage.encodeUTF16(EndianUtil endianUtil, Object... content)
    Encode the object array into a byte[] message.
    static byte[]
    TypedMessage.encodeUTF8(EndianUtil endianUtil, Object... content)
    Encode the object array into a byte[] message.
    (package private) static Serializer<?>
    TypedMessage.findEncoder(boolean utf8, Object object)
    Find the serializer for one object.
  • Uses of SerializationException in org.djutils.serialization.serializers

    Modifier and Type
    DoubleMatrixSerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    DoubleScalarSerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    DoubleVectorArraySerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    DoubleVectorSerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    FloatMatrixSerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    FloatScalarSerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    FloatVectorSerializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    Serializer.deSerialize(byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Deserialize an object of type T.
    DoubleMatrixSerializer.serialize(M adm, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    DoubleScalarSerializer.serialize(S ads, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    DoubleVectorArraySerializer.serialize(V[] adva, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    DoubleVectorSerializer.serialize(V adv, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    FloatMatrixSerializer.serialize(M afm, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    FloatScalarSerializer.serialize(S afs, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    FloatVectorSerializer.serialize(V afv, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    final void
    ObjectMatrixSerializer.serialize(E[][] matrix, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serializer.serialize(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T; not including the prefix byte(s).
    final void
    ArrayOrMatrixWithUnitSerializer.serializeWithPrefix(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    final void
    BasicPrimitiveArrayOrMatrixSerializer.serializeWithPrefix(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    final void
    ObjectArraySerializer.serializeWithPrefix(E[] array, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    final void
    ObjectMatrixSerializer.serializeWithPrefix(E[][] matrix, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    final void
    ObjectSerializer.serializeWithPrefix(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serializer.serializeWithPrefix(T object, byte[] buffer, Pointer pointer, EndianUtil endianUtil)
    Serialize an object of type T including the prefix byte(s).
    DoubleMatrixSerializer.size(M adm)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    DoubleScalarSerializer.size(S ads)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    DoubleVectorArraySerializer.size(V[] adva)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    DoubleVectorSerializer.size(V adv)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    FloatMatrixSerializer.size(M afm)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    FloatScalarSerializer.size(S afs)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    FloatVectorSerializer.size(V afv)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    final int
    ObjectMatrixSerializer.size(E[][] matrix)
    Serializer.size(T object)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (excluding the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).
    final int
    ArrayOrMatrixWithUnitSerializer.sizeWithPrefix(T object)
    final int
    BasicPrimitiveArrayOrMatrixSerializer.sizeWithPrefix(T object)
    final int
    ObjectMatrixSerializer.sizeWithPrefix(E[][] matrix)
    final int
    ObjectSerializer.sizeWithPrefix(T object)
    Serializer.sizeWithPrefix(T object)
    Compute the number of bytes needed to serialize an object of type T (including the byte(s) that indicate that an object of type T is next in the data stream).