Uses of Interface
Packages that use OffsetCurve2d
Continuous lines are (mathematically) defined curves that:
have no gaps
have a start point
have an end point
have a defined direction at the start point
have a defined direction at the end point
may have knots along the way.
have no gaps
have a start point
have an end point
have a defined direction at the start point
have a defined direction at the end point
may have knots along the way.
Uses of OffsetCurve2d in org.djutils.draw.curve
Classes in org.djutils.draw.curve that implement OffsetCurve2dModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Continuous definition of an arc in 2d.class
Continuous definition of a cubic Bézier curves in 2d.class
Continuous definition of a clothoid in 2d.class
Continuous curve implementation of a straight in 2d.Methods in org.djutils.draw.curve with parameters of type OffsetCurve2dModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOffsetFlattener2d.flatten
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Flatten a OffsetCurve2d curve into a PolyLine2d while applying lateral offsets.OffsetFlattener2d.MaxAngle.flatten
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) OffsetFlattener2d.MaxDeviation.flatten
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) OffsetFlattener2d.MaxDeviationAndAngle.flatten
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) OffsetFlattener2d.NumSegments.flatten
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) default void
(NavigableMap<Double, Point2d> map, double knot, OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Load one knot in the map of fractions and points.default void
(NavigableMap<Double, Point2d> map, OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Load the knots into the navigable map (including the start point and the end point).default Flattener.FlattableCurve<Point2d,
Double> OffsetFlattener2d.makeFlattableCurve
(OffsetCurve2d curve, ContinuousPiecewiseLinearFunction of) Make a FlattableCurve object.