Package org.djutils.immutablecollections

package org.djutils.immutablecollections
Contains a set of immutable collection interfaces and wrapper implementations. Two versions of immutable collections are implemented:
  1. A version, identified by Immutable.COPY, where the immutable collection can neither be changed by any object "using" the ImmutableCollection nor anymore by objects that have a pointer to the collection, as an internal (shallow) copy is made of the collection. This is the default implementation.
  2. A version, identified by Immutable.WRAP, where the immutable collection can not be changed by any object "using" the ImmutableCollection, but it can still be changed by any object that has a pointer to the original collection that is "wrapped". Instead of a (shallow) copy of the collection, a pointer to the collection is stored.

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Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers