Delft Java Utilities Basic Classes 2.3.1 API
The djutils.base package contains a number of very generic classes / interfaces such as the Identifiable interface, the
mutable primitive classes, and the NumberParser that allows for lenient parsing.
Decode and dump a data stream in a human readable format.
Provides classes and interfaces for asynchronous communication.
Provides a subscription-based extension to Java's collection library.
Provides classes and interfaces for easy access to Java's reference classes.
EventProducer and EventListener extended for Remote access.
Utilities such as Throw and Try to help with exceptions.
Contains a set of immutable collection interfaces and wrapper implementations.
Classes to assist in translating URLs to paths, either based on a resource, file, or inside a jar-file; and other file
related classes.
Classes to assist in logging.
The djutils.metadata package contains the classes to provide meta-data for information (usually carried in Object arrays).
Map with multiple keys.
Helper class and methods for autoboxing and primitive types conversion (class and String).
Collect execution time statistics.
Quad tree that can store 2D objects.
Classes to help retrieve information through reflection that the standard Class object does not offer.
The rmi package has objects to help in defining and finding the RMI registry.
Helper classes for unit tests in projects.
Create or verify identity of a trace of states of a system.