All Classes and Interfaces
Decode base64 encoded data and show it as hex bytes.
Decode base64 encoded data and dump it in hexadecimal format and (insofar possible) as characters.
The CategoryLogger can log for specific Categories.
DelegateLogger class that takes care of actually logging the message and/or exception.
Copyright (c) 2013-2025 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
ClassUtil is a utility class providing assistance for Java Classes.
ClassFileDescriptor contains some information about a class file, either stand-alone on the classpath, or within a Jar
Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands.
Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands.
File writer for multiple files in to a zip file.
Decoder interface.
Interface for all classes with a getDescription() method in addition to a getId() method.
Common code for all (decoder-) Dumpers.
Interface that must be implemented by objects that need to be stored in a quad tree.
The Event class forms the reference implementation for the Event.
The EventListener interface creates a callback method for publishers to inform their clients.
The EventListenerMap maps EventTypes on lists of References to EventListeners.
EventProducer is the interface that exposes a few of the methods of the implementation of an EventProducer to the outside
world: the ability to add and remove listeners.
The Event producing collection provides a set to which one can subscribe interest in entry changes.
The EventProducingIterator provides an iterator embedding the Iterator, which fires an event when an object has been removed.
The Event producing list provides a list to which one can subscribe interest in entry changes.
EventProducingListIterator provides an iterator embedding the ListIterator, which fires an event when an object has been
The Event producing map provides a map to which one can subscribe interest in entry changes.
The Event producing set provides a set to which one can subscribe interest in entry changes.
Reference implementation of the EventType.
ExceptionTest has a generic test method for testing an exception with four constructors.
A field descriptor represents the type of a class, instance, or local variable.
Copyright (c) 2013-2025 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands.
Keep track of the address of the decoder-dumper and call flushLine when the last possible address of a line is received.
Dump bytes as hexadecimal numbers
Dump data in hexadecimal format and (insofar possible) as characters.
Interface for all identifiable objects.
Indicate whether the immutable collection contains a COPY of the collection (neither changeable by the user of the immutable
collection, nor by anyone holding a pointer to the original collection), or a WRAP for the original collection (not
changeable by the user of the immutable collection, but can be changed by anyone holding a pointer to the original collection
that is wrapped).
An abstract base class for an immutable wrapper for a Set.
An abstract base class for an immutable wrapper for a List.
An abstract base class for an immutable wrapper for a Map.
An abstract base class for an immutable wrapper for a Set.
An immutable wrapper for an ArrayList.
A Collection interface without the methods that can change it.
Static methods operating on immutable collections, or a mix of an immutable collection and a mutable collection.
An immutable wrapper for a HashMap.
An immutable wrapper for a HashSet.
An immutable iterator over elements, wrapping a "mutable" iterator.
An immutable wrapper for a LinkedHashMap.
An immutable wrapper for a LinkedHashSet.
A List interface without the methods that can change it.
A Map interface without the methods that can change it.
A map entry (key-value pair).
extended with navigation methods reporting closest matches for given search targets.A
extended with navigation methods reporting closest matches for given search targets.A Set interface without the methods that can change it.
A SortedMap interface without the methods that can change it.
A SortedSet interface without the methods that can change it.
An immutable wrapper for a TreeMap.
An immutable wrapper for a TreeSet.
An immutable wrapper for a Vector.
The LocalEventProducer defines the registration and fireEvent operations of an event producer.
LogCategory for the CategoryLogger.
MetaDataInterface; documenting Object arrays.
A method descriptor represents the parameters that the method takes and the value that it returns.
Store for data indexed by a combination of objects.
A simple version of a mutable boolean with get() and set(boolean) functions.
A simple version of a mutable byte with get() and set(byte) functions.
A simple version of a mutable double with get() and set(double) functions.
A simple version of a mutable float with get() and set(float) functions.
A simple version of a mutable integer with get() and set(int) functions.
A simple version of a mutable long with get() and set(long) functions.
A simple version of a mutable short with get() and set(short) functions.
NumberParser is a class that can parse a number in a strict or lenient way, and dependent on locale.
ObjectDescriptor: wrapper for name, description and class of one object.
The Primitive class is a utility class to deal with primitives.
Utility class to profile code execution times.
Quad tree for 2D objects.
Rectangle defines an area bounded by a lower and left edges (inclusive) and a upper and right edges (not inclusive).
Container for a Rectangle and a payload.
The Reference abstract class defines an indirect pointer to an object that can be serialized, in contrast with the Java
Reference class, which is not serializable.
ReferenceType indicates whether a reference is strong or weak.
The RmiEventListener class embodies a remote EventListener using the RMI protocol.
The RmiEventProducer provides a remote implementation of the eventProducer using the RMI protocol.
The RMIObject is an object that registers iteself in the RMI registry using a key by which it can be found.
RMIUtils contains a number of utilities to help with the RMI registry.
A StrongReference class represents a normal pointer relation to a reference.
The Throw class has a number of static methods that make it easy to throw an exception under conditions for any Exception
class, including the standard Java exceptions and exceptions from libraries that are used in the project.
The TimedEvent is the reference implementation for a timed event.
Decoder that returns a time stamp in milliseconds that applies to the time of dump of the first byte on the output line.
Create or verify identity of a trace of states of a system.
TraceVerifierException is the exception thrown when the expected string differs from the actual string.
The Try class has a number of static methods that make it easy to try-catch an exception for any Throwable class, including
the standard Java exceptions and exceptions from libraries that are used in the project.
Functional interface for calls to Try.assign(...).
Functional interface for calls to Try.execute(...).
The URLResource class helps to resolve a file location in a project, JAR, or folder.
A WeakReference.