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A Bounds object stores the spatial extent of one or more Drawable objects. Bounds objects come in two types: Bounds2d for two-dimensional Drawable objects and Bounds3d for three-dimensional Drawable objects. A Bounds object may contain infinity values. Bounds objects are intended to quickly assess whether any part of a Drawable might intersect (be visible in) the space that is currently in view.

All Drawable objects can produce their Bounds object with the getBounds() method (in fact, even a Bounds objects implement getBounds(), simply returning this). It is also possible to create a Bounds object directly. There are a couple of constructors:

    Bounds2d b1 = new Bounds2d(3.4, 6.7, -5.6, 2.3); // Arguments are the absolute minimum and maximum values
    System.out.println("b1: " + b1);
    Bounds2d b2 = new Bounds2d(12.3, 23.4); // Arguments are ranges, symmetrically around 0.0
    System.out.println("b2: " + b2);
    PolyLine2d line = new PolyLine2d(new Point2d(1, 2), new Point2d(3, 4), new Point2d(-5, 12));
    Bounds2d b3 = new Bounds2d(line.getPoints()); // Argument is Iterator<Point2d>
    System.out.println("b3: " + b3);
    Bounds2d b4 = line.getBounds(); // Of course, the PolyLine2d can create a Bounds2d by itself
    System.out.println("b4: " + b4);
    Point2d[] pointArray = new Point2d[] { new Point2d(1, 2), new Point2d(3, 4), new Point2d(-5, 12) };
    Bounds2d b5 = new Bounds2d(pointArray);
    System.out.println("b5: " + b5);
    Collection<Drawable2d> drawableCollection = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    drawableCollection.add(new Point2d(1, 2));
    drawableCollection.add(new Point2d(3, 4));
    drawableCollection.add(new Point2d(-5, 12));
    Bounds2d b6 = new Bounds2d(drawableCollection);
    System.out.println("b6: " + b6);
    Bounds2d b7 = new Bounds2d(new Point2d(1, 2), new LineSegment2d(3, 4, -5, 12));
    System.out.println("b7: " + b7);

This example code prints:

b1: Bounds2d [absoluteX[3.400000 : 6.700000], absoluteY[-5.600000 : 2.300000]]
b2: Bounds2d [absoluteX[-6.150000 : 6.150000], absoluteY[-11.700000 : 11.700000]]
b3: Bounds2d [absoluteX[-5.000000 : 3.000000], absoluteY[2.000000 : 12.000000]]
b4: Bounds2d [absoluteX[-5.000000 : 3.000000], absoluteY[2.000000 : 12.000000]]
b5: Bounds2d [absoluteX[-5.000000 : 3.000000], absoluteY[2.000000 : 12.000000]]
b6: Bounds2d [absoluteX[-5.000000 : 3.000000], absoluteY[2.000000 : 12.000000]]
b7: Bounds2d [absoluteX[-5.000000 : 3.000000], absoluteY[2.000000 : 12.000000]]

A Bounds object implements Drawable. Therefore it can produce an iterator that produces a series of Point objects. These points are the vertices of the bound space (2D or 3D as appropriate). The iterator of a Bounds2d will produce 4 Point2d objects; the iterator of a Bounds3d will produce 8 Point3d objects.

    Bounds2d bounds = new Bounds2d(new Ray2d(1, 2, Math.toRadians(45)));
    for (Iterator<Point2d> iterator = bounds.getPoints(); iterator.hasNext();)


Point2d [x=1.000000, y=2.000000]
Point2d [x=1.000000, y=Infinity]
Point2d [x=Infinity, y=2.000000]
Point2d [x=Infinity, y=Infinity]

Please do not write code that depends on the order in which this iterator produces those points.

The actual boundaries of a Bounds object can be accessed with methods and by directly reading the internal fields. E.g. getMinX() returns the minimum x value, which can also be obtained by accessing the minX field.

Using a Bounds object

Bounds objects implement a couple of set-like operations that all return a boolean value:

Method Description
contains(double x, double y[, double z]) Report whether a the Point with these coordinates is contained within the Bounds (on an edge/surface is considered outside)
contains(Point point) Report whether a Point is contained within the Bounds (on an edge/surface is considered outside)
contains(Drawable drawable) Report whether a Drawable is completely contained in the Bounds (no Point outside, or on an edge/surface)
covers(double x, double y[, double z]) Report wether the Point with these coordinates is contained within the Bounds, or on an edge/surface of the Bounds
covers(Point point) Report whether a Point is contained within the Bounds, or on an edge/surface of the Bounds
covers(Drawable drawable) Report whether no part of a Drawable is outside the Bounds
disjoint(Bounds otherBounds) Report whether this Bounds is disjoint from another Bounds. Only touching an edge/surface is considered disjoint
intersects(Bounds otherBounds) Report whether this Bounds object intersects another Bounds object. Only touching an edge/surface is not considered intersecting

The method intersection(Bounds otherBounds) creates a new Bounds object that is the intersection of both. If the Bounds objects do not intersect (or only touch), this method returns null.