Uses of Interface
Packages that use Point
The draw package contains the generic classes for device-independent drawing.
Methods for Bounds of an object to quickly determine whether an object needs to be drawn or not.
Continuous lines are (mathematically) defined curves that:
have no gaps
have a start point
have an end point
have a defined direction at the start point
have a defined direction at the end point
may have knots along the way.
have no gaps
have a start point
have an end point
have a defined direction at the start point
have a defined direction at the end point
may have knots along the way.
The line package provides an interface and different implementations for lines.
The djutils-draw point package provides a set of interfaces and implementations of Points.
Uses of Point in org.djutils.draw
Classes in org.djutils.draw with type parameters of type Point -
Uses of Point in org.djutils.draw.bounds
Classes in org.djutils.draw.bounds with type parameters of type PointModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Bounds is the generic tagging interface that indicates the bounds for an object, where the simplest implementation is minX, minY, maxX and maxY for 2D, and minX, minY, minZ and maxX, maxY and maxZ for 3D. -
Uses of Point in org.djutils.draw.curve
Classes in org.djutils.draw.curve with type parameters of type PointModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A Curve defines a line in an exact, continuous manner, from which numerically approximated polylines can be derived.interface
Flattener<F extends Flattener<F,
C, PL, P, DIR>, C extends Curve<?, ?, P, F, PL>, PL extends PolyLine<?, P, ?, ?, ?>, P extends Point<P>, DIR> Flattens a Curve in to a PolyLine. -
Uses of Point in org.djutils.draw.line
Classes in org.djutils.draw.line with type parameters of type PointModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
LineSegment<P extends Point<P>,
D extends Directed<D>> LineSegment is the interface for a line segment bound by 2 end points.interface
PolyLine<L extends PolyLine<L,
P, R, D, LS>, P extends Point<P>, R extends Ray<R, D, P>, D extends Directed<D>, LS extends LineSegment<P, D>> PolyLine is the interface for PolyLine2d and PolyLine3d implementations.interface
Projection of points onto objects.interface
A Ray is a half-line; it has one end point with non-infinite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.Classes in org.djutils.draw.line that implement PointModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Ray2d is a half-line in 2d; it has one end point with finite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.class
Ray3d is a half-line in 3d; it has one end point with non-infinite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away. -
Uses of Point in org.djutils.draw.point
Classes in org.djutils.draw.point with type parameters of type PointModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Point is the interface for the Point2d and Point3d implementations, standardizing as many of the methods as possible.Classes in org.djutils.draw.point that implement PointModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A DirectedPoint2d is a Point2d that additionally carries a direction in 2d-space (dirZ).class
A DirectedPoint3d is a point in 3d space that additionally carries a direction in 3d i.c. dirY (similar to tilt; measured as an angle from the positive z-direction) and dirZ (similar to pan; measured as an angle from the positive x-direction).class
A OrientedPoint3d is a point with an x, y, and z coordinate, plus a 3d orientation.class
A Point2d is an immutable Point with an x and y coordinate, stored with double precision.class
A Point3d is an immutable point with an x, y, and z coordinate, stored with double precision.