Package org.djutils.draw.point
package org.djutils.draw.point
The djutils-draw point package provides a set of interfaces and implementations of Points.
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- Author:
- Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
ClassDescriptionA DirectedPoint2d is a Point2d that additionally carries a direction in 2d-space (dirZ).A DirectedPoint3d is a point in 3d space that additionally carries a direction in 3d i.c. dirY (similar to tilt; measured as an angle from the positive z-direction) and dirZ (similar to pan; measured as an angle from the positive x-direction).A OrientedPoint3d is a point with an x, y, and z coordinate, plus a 3d orientation.Point is the interface for the Point2d and Point3d implementations, standardizing as many of the methods as possible.A Point2d is an immutable Point with an x and y coordinate, stored with double precision.A Point3d is an immutable point with an x, y, and z coordinate, stored with double precision.