All Classes and Interfaces

Continuous definition of an arc in 2d.
Common code used to generated Bézier curves.
Continuous definition of a Bézier curve in 2d.
Continuous definition of a Bézier curve in 3d.
Continuous definition of a cubic Bézier curves in 2d.
Continuous definition of a cubic Bézier curves in 3d.
Bounds<B extends Bounds<B,P>,P extends Point<P>>
Bounds is the generic tagging interface that indicates the bounds for an object, where the simplest implementation is minX, minY, maxX and maxY for 2D, and minX, minY, minZ and maxX, maxY and maxZ for 3D.
A Bounds2d stores the rectangular 2D bounds of a 2d object, or a collection of 2d objects.
Bounds3d is the generic class for the 3D extent of an object.
Continuous definition of a clothoid in 2d.
Container for piece-wise linear offsets, defined by the offsets at particular fractional positions.
Wrapper for domain and function value pair.
Additional curve properties.
Curve<DP,DIR,P extends Point<P>,F extends Flattener<F,?,PL,P,DIR>,PL extends PolyLine<?,P,?,?,?>>
A Curve defines a line in an exact, continuous manner, from which numerically approximated polylines can be derived.
This interface narrows down the interface of continuous curves for 2d use.
This interface narrows down the interface of continuous curves for 3d use.
Directed<D extends Directed<D>>
Directed is the interface to specify a Direction (a vector without a length, pointing in a direction).
Interface for objects that have a direction in the XY-plane.
Interface for objects that have a direction in 3d-space i.c. dirY (similar to tilt; measured as an angle from the positive z-direction) and dirZ (similar to pan; measured as an angle from the positive x-direction).
A DirectedPoint2d is a Point2d that additionally carries a direction in 2d-space (dirZ).
A DirectedPoint3d is a point in 3d space that additionally carries a direction in 3d i.c. dirY (similar to tilt; measured as an angle from the positive z-direction) and dirZ (similar to pan; measured as an angle from the positive x-direction).
Class encoding a direction in 3d space.
Drawable<P extends Point<P>>
Drawable is an interface to indicate zero or more points can be retrieved to draw the object.
Drawable2d is the interface that all drawable objects that use 2D coordinates must implement.
Drawable3d is the Interface that all drawable objects that use 3D coordinates must implement.
DrawRuntimeException is the root exception for drawing exceptions that do not have to be specified.
Export methods for djutils-draw objects.
Flattener<F extends Flattener<F,C,PL,P,DIR>,C extends Curve<?,?,P,F,PL>,PL extends PolyLine<?,P,?,?,?>,P extends Point<P>,DIR>
Flattens a Curve in to a PolyLine.
Interface for getPoint and getDirection that hide whether or not an offset is applied.
Flattens a Curve2d in to a PolyLine2d.
Flattener that limits the angle difference between the Curve2d and the PolyLine2d.
Flattener that limits the distance between the Curve2d and the PolyLine2d.
Flattener that limits the distance and angle difference between the Curve2d and the PolyLine2d.
Flattener that approximates the Curve2d with a specified number of segments.
Flattens a Curve3d in to a PolyLine3d.
Flattener that limits the angle difference between the Curve3d and the PolyLine3d.
Flattener that limits the distance between the Curve3d and the PolyLine3d.
Flattener that limits the distance and angle difference between the Curve3d and the PolyLine3d.
Flattener that approximates the Curve3d with a specified number of segments.
Utility class to create clothoid lines, in particular the Fresnel integral based on: W.J.
LineSegment<P extends Point<P>,D extends Directed<D>>
LineSegment is the interface for a line segment bound by 2 end points.
LineSegment2d is a line segment bound by 2 end points in 2D-space.
LineSegment3d is a line segment bound by 2 end points in 3D-space.
Flattens a Curve2d with piece-wise linear offset in to a PolyLine2d.
OffsetFlattener that limits the angle difference between the OffsetCurve2d and the PolyLine2d.
Flattener that limits the distance between the OffsetCurvee2d and the PolyLine2d.
OffsetFlattener that limits distance and angle difference between the OffsetCurve2d and the PolyLine2d.
Flattener that approximates the OffsetCurve2d with a specified number of segments.
Oriented<O extends Oriented<O>>
Oriented is an interface to indicate an object has a direction.
Oriented2d is an interface to indicate an object has a direction in two dimensions.
Oriented3d is an interface to indicate an object has a direction in three dimensions.
A OrientedPoint3d is a point with an x, y, and z coordinate, plus a 3d orientation.
Point<P extends Point<P>>
Point is the interface for the Point2d and Point3d implementations, standardizing as many of the methods as possible.
A Point2d is an immutable Point with an x and y coordinate, stored with double precision.
A Point3d is an immutable point with an x, y, and z coordinate, stored with double precision.
Closed PolyLine2d.
Closed PolyLine3d.
PolyLine<L extends PolyLine<L,P,R,D,LS>,P extends Point<P>,R extends Ray<R,D,P>,D extends Directed<D>,LS extends LineSegment<P,D>>
PolyLine is the interface for PolyLine2d and PolyLine3d implementations.
Interface for transition function.
Implementation of PolyLine for 2D space.
Implementation of PolyLine for 3D space.
Project<P extends Point<P>>
Projection of points onto objects.
Ray<R extends Ray<R,D,P>,D extends Directed<D>,P extends Point<P>>
A Ray is a half-line; it has one end point with non-infinite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.
Ray2d is a half-line in 2d; it has one end point with finite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.
Ray3d is a half-line in 3d; it has one end point with non-infinite coordinates; the other end point is infinitely far away.
Continuous curve implementation of a straight in 2d.
Triangulated surface in 3D space.
Transform2d contains a MUTABLE transformation object that can transform points (x,y) based on e.g, rotation and translation.
Transform3d contains a MUTABLE transformation object that can transform points (x,y,z) based on e.g, rotation and translation.