Interface Directed3d<D extends Directed<D>>

Type Parameters:
D - the Directed type
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DirectedPoint3d, OrientedPoint3d, Ray3d

public interface Directed3d<D extends Directed<D>> extends Directed<D>
Interface for objects that have a direction in 3d-space i.c. dirY (similar to tilt; measured as an angle from the positive z-direction) and dirZ (similar to pan; measured as an angle from the positive x-direction).

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There are two naming conventions for phi and theta. Djutils draw uses neither to stay clear of this confusion. The angle from the positive z-axis to the projection of the direction on the x-y-plane is named dirY. The angle from the positive x-axis to the projection of the direction in the x-y-plane is named dirZ.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Direction3d
    Retrieve the Direction3d.
    Retrieve the angle from the positive z axis to the direction.
    Retrieve the angle from the positive x-axis to the projection of the direction in the x-y-plane.

    Methods inherited from interface org.djutils.draw.Directed

    epsilonEquals, neg
  • Method Details

    • getDirY

      double getDirY()
      Retrieve the angle from the positive z axis to the direction. Normally these are values between [0:π]. Angles ≤ π/2 indicate above the x-y-plane; positive slope, angles > π/2 indicate angles below this plane; negative slope.
    • getDirZ

      double getDirZ()
      Retrieve the angle from the positive x-axis to the projection of the direction in the x-y-plane. Positive values rotate towards the positive y-axis (and beyond).
    • getDir

      default Direction3d getDir()
      Retrieve the Direction3d.
      the direction