Interface Point<P extends Point<P>>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      P abs()
      Return a new Point with absolute coordinate values.
      P closestPointOnLine​(P linePoint1, P linePoint2)
      Project a point on a line.
      P closestPointOnSegment​(P segmentPoint1, P segmentPoint2)
      Project a point on a line segment.
      double distance​(P otherPoint)
      Return the distance to another point.
      double distanceSquared​(P otherPoint)
      Return the squared distance between this point and the provided point.
      boolean epsilonEquals​(P other, double epsilon)
      A comparison with another point that returns true of each of the coordinates is less than epsilon apart.
      double getX()
      Return the x-coordinate.
      double getY()
      Return the y-coordinate.
      P interpolate​(P point, double fraction)
      Interpolate towards another Point with a fraction.
      P neg()
      Return a new Point with negated coordinate values.
      P normalize()
      Return a new Point with a distance of 1 to the origin.
      P scale​(double factor)
      Return a new Point with the coordinates of this point scaled by the provided factor.
    • Method Detail

      • getX

        double getX()
        Return the x-coordinate. When the point is not in Cartesian space, a calculation to Cartesian space has to be made.
        double; the x-coordinate
      • getY

        double getY()
        Return the y-coordinate. When the point is not in Cartesian space, a calculation to Cartesian space has to be made.
        double; the y-coordinate
      • scale

        P scale​(double factor)
         throws IllegalArgumentException
        Return a new Point with the coordinates of this point scaled by the provided factor.
        factor - double; the scale factor
        Point; a new point with the coordinates of this point scaled by the provided factor
        IllegalArgumentException - when factor is NaN
      • neg

        P neg()
        Return a new Point with negated coordinate values.
        Point; a new point with negated coordinate values
      • abs

        P abs()
        Return a new Point with absolute coordinate values.
        Point; a new point with absolute coordinate values
      • normalize

        P normalize()
             throws DrawRuntimeException
        Return a new Point with a distance of 1 to the origin.
        Point; the normalized point
        DrawRuntimeException - when point is the origin, and no length can be established for scaling
      • distance

        double distance​(P otherPoint)
        Return the distance to another point.
        otherPoint - P; P the other point
        double; the distance (2d or 3d as applicable) to the other point
      • distanceSquared

        double distanceSquared​(P otherPoint)
                        throws NullPointerException
        Return the squared distance between this point and the provided point.
        otherPoint - P; the other point
        double; the squared distance between this point and the other point
        NullPointerException - when otherPoint is null
      • interpolate

        P interpolate​(P point,
                      double fraction)
        Interpolate towards another Point with a fraction. It is allowed for fraction to be less than zero or larger than 1. In that case the interpolation turns into an extrapolation.
        point - P; the other point
        fraction - double; the factor for interpolation towards the other point. When <code>fraction</code> is between 0 and 1, it is an interpolation, otherwise an extrapolation. If fraction is 0; this Point is returned; if fraction is 1, the other point is returned
        P; the point that is fraction away on the line between this point and the other point
        NullPointerException - when point is null
        IllegalArgumentException - when fraction is NaN
      • closestPointOnSegment

        P closestPointOnSegment​(P segmentPoint1,
                                P segmentPoint2)
                         throws NullPointerException
        Project a point on a line segment. If the the projected points lies outside the line segment, the nearest end point of the line segment is returned. Otherwise the returned point lies between the end points of the line segment.
        Adapted from example code provided by Paul Bourke.
        segmentPoint1 - P; start of line segment
        segmentPoint2 - P; end of line segment
        P; either segmentPoint1, or segmentPoint2 or a new Point2d that lies somewhere in between those two.
        NullPointerException - when segmentPoint2, or segmentPoint2 is null
      • epsilonEquals

        boolean epsilonEquals​(P other,
                              double epsilon)
                       throws NullPointerException
        A comparison with another point that returns true of each of the coordinates is less than epsilon apart.
        other - P; the point to compare with
        epsilon - double; the upper bound of difference for one of the coordinates
        boolean; true if both x, y and z (if a Point3d) are less than epsilon apart, otherwise false
        NullPointerException - when other is null