package org.djutils.decoderdumper;


import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;

 * Decode base64 encoded data and show it as hex bytes. See
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
 * BSD-style license. See <a href="">DJUTILS License</a>.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
 * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public class Base64Decoder implements Decoder
    /** Assembling space for decoded data. */
    private int notYetDecodedData = 0;

    /** Number of accumulated bits in <code>notYetDecodedData</code>. */
    private int accumulatedBits = 0;

    /** Dumper used internally to assemble the decoded data into hex values and char values. */
    private final Dumper<Base64Decoder> internalDumper = new Dumper<>();

    /** Collector for the output of the internal dumper. */
    private final ByteArrayOutputStream baos;

    /** Count number of equals (=) symbols seen. */
    private int endOfInputCharsSeen = 0;

    /** Set when an error is detected in the input stream. */
    private boolean errorDetected = false;

     * Construct a new Base64Decoder.
     * @param decodedBytesPerLine int; maximum number of decoded input characters resulting in one output line
     * @param extraSpaceAfterEvery int; insert an extra space after every N output fields (a multiple of 3 makes sense for the
     *            base64 decoder because base64 encodes three bytes into 4 characters)
    public Base64Decoder(final int decodedBytesPerLine, final int extraSpaceAfterEvery)
        this.baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        int maximumBytesPerOutputLine = (decodedBytesPerLine + 3) / 4 * 3;
        this.internalDumper.addDecoder(new HexDecoder(maximumBytesPerOutputLine, extraSpaceAfterEvery));
        this.internalDumper.addDecoder(new FixedString("  "));
        this.internalDumper.addDecoder(new CharDecoder(maximumBytesPerOutputLine, extraSpaceAfterEvery));

    public String getResult()
            String result = this.baos.toString("UTF-8");
            return result;
        catch (IOException ioe)
            // Cannot happen because writing to a ByteArrayOutputStream should never fail
            return null;

    public int getMaximumWidth()
        return this.internalDumper.getMaximumWidth();

    public boolean append(final int address, final byte theByte) throws IOException
        if (theByte == 61)
            this.endOfInputCharsSeen++; // equals
        if (this.endOfInputCharsSeen > 0)
            return false; // This decoder does not handle multiple base64 encoded objects in its input
        int value;
        if (theByte >= 48 && theByte <= 57)
            value = theByte - 48 + 52; // Digit
        else if (theByte >= 65 && theByte <= 90)
            value = theByte - 65 + 0; // Capital letter
        else if (theByte >= 97 && theByte <= 122)
            value = theByte - 97 + 26;
        else if (theByte == 43 || theByte == 45 || theByte == 46)
            value = 62; // Plus or minus or dot
        else if (theByte == 47 || theByte == 95 || theByte == 44)
            value = 63; // Slash or underscore or comma
        else if (theByte <= 32)
            return false; // White space can appear anywhere and should be ignored (but this test for white space is bad)
            // Illegal byte in input
            if (!this.errorDetected) // First error
                CategoryLogger.always().info("illegal character found in Base64Decoder stream at address {}, character {}",
                        address, theByte);
            this.errorDetected = true;
            return false;
        this.notYetDecodedData = (this.notYetDecodedData << 6) + value;
        this.accumulatedBits += 6;
        if (this.accumulatedBits >= 8)
            int byteValue = this.notYetDecodedData >> (this.accumulatedBits - 8);
            this.accumulatedBits -= 8;
            this.notYetDecodedData -= byteValue << this.accumulatedBits;
            boolean result = this.internalDumper.append((byte) byteValue);
            return result;
        return false;

    public boolean ignoreForIdenticalOutputCheck()
        return false;
