Class FieldTypes


public final class FieldTypes extends Object
Type numbers to encode different data types within djutils-serialization.

Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See Sim0MQ License.

Alexander Verbraeck
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final byte
    boolean, sent / received as a byte; 0 = false, 1 = true.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded boolean array.
    static final byte
    145 (-111) Boolean array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of booleans.
    static final byte
    134 (-122) Boolean, sent / received as a byte; 0 = false, 1 = true; equal to code 6.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded boolean matrix.
    static final byte
    152 (-104) Boolean matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count.
    static final byte
    byte, 8 bit signed two's complement integer.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded byte array.
    static final byte
    139 (-117) Byte array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of bytes.
    static final byte
    128 (-128) Byte, 8 bit signed two's complement integer; equal to code 0.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded byte matrix.
    static final byte
    146 (-110) Byte matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count.
    static final byte
    char, 16-bit Unicode character, big endian order.
    static final byte
    136 (-120) Char, 16-bit Unicode character, little-endian order for the 2 part.
    static final byte
    char, 8-bit ASCII character.
    static final byte
    135 (-121) Char, 8-bit ASCII character; equal to code 7.
    static final byte
    float, double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded double array.
    static final byte
    144 (-112) Double array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of doubles, little-endian coded doubles.
    static final byte
    133 (-123) Float, double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point, little endian order.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded double matrix.
    static final byte
    151 (-105) Double matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian doubles.
    static final byte
    Double, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type attached.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded dense double array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type.
    static final byte
    156 (-100) Dense double array, preceded by a little-endian 32-bit number indicating the number of doubles, little-endian order, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire double array.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded dense double array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unique unit type and display type per row.
    static final byte
    154 (-102) Double stored internally as a little-endian double in the corresponding SI unit, with unit type and display unit attached.
    static final byte
    Rows/Cols-preceded dense double array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type.
    static final byte
    158 (-98) Dense double matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire double matrix.
    static final byte
    160 (-96) Dense little-endian double matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with a unique unit type and display unit per row of the double matrix.
    static final byte
    float, single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded float array.
    static final byte
    143 (-113) Float array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of floats, little-endian coded floats.
    static final byte
    132 (-124) Float, single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point, little endian order.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded float matrix.
    static final byte
    150 (-106) Float matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded floats.
    static final byte
    Float, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type attached.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded dense float array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type.
    static final byte
    155 (-101) Dense float array, preceded by a little-endian 32-bit number indicating the number of floats, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire float array.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded dense float array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unique unit type and display type per row.
    static final byte
    153 (-103) Float stored internally as a little-endian float in the corresponding SI unit, with unit type and display unit attached.
    static final byte
    Rows/Cols-preceded dense float array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type.
    static final byte
    157 (-99) Dense float matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire float matrix.
    static final byte
    159 (-97) Dense little-endian float matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with a unique unit type and display unit per row of the float matrix.
    static final byte
    int, 32 bit signed two's complement integer.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded int array.
    static final byte
    141 (-115) Integer array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of integers, little-endian coded ints.
    static final byte
    130 (-126) Integer, 32 bit signed two's complement integer, little endian order.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded int matrix.
    static final byte
    148 (-108) Integer matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded ints.
    static final byte
    long, 64 bit signed two's complement integer.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded long array.
    static final byte
    142 (-114) Long array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of longs, little-endian coded longs.
    static final byte
    131 (-125) Long, 64 bit signed two's complement integer, little endian order.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded long matrix.
    static final byte
    149 (-107) Long matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded longs.
    static final byte
    short, 16 bit signed two's complement integer.
    static final byte
    Number-preceded short array.
    static final byte
    140 (-116) Short array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of shorts, little-endian coded shorts.
    static final byte
    129 (-127) Short, 16 bit signed two's complement integer, little endian order.
    static final byte
    Number of rows and number of columns preceded short matrix.
    static final byte
    147 (-109) Short matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded shorts.
    static final byte
    String, number-preceded char array of 16-bits characters, big-endian order.
    static final byte
    138 (-118) String, 32-bit little-endian number-preceded char array of 16-bits characters, each 2-byte character in little-endian order.
    static final byte
    String, number-preceded byte array of 8-bits characters.
    static final byte
    s 137 (-119) String, 32-bit little-endian number-preceded byte array of 8-bits characters.
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • BYTE_8

      public static final byte BYTE_8
      byte, 8 bit signed two's complement integer.
      See Also:
    • SHORT_16

      public static final byte SHORT_16
      short, 16 bit signed two's complement integer.
      See Also:
    • INT_32

      public static final byte INT_32
      int, 32 bit signed two's complement integer.
      See Also:
    • LONG_64

      public static final byte LONG_64
      long, 64 bit signed two's complement integer.
      See Also:
    • FLOAT_32

      public static final byte FLOAT_32
      float, single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
      See Also:
    • DOUBLE_64

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64
      float, double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
      See Also:
    • BOOLEAN_8

      public static final byte BOOLEAN_8
      boolean, sent / received as a byte; 0 = false, 1 = true.
      See Also:
    • CHAR_8

      public static final byte CHAR_8
      char, 8-bit ASCII character.
      See Also:
    • CHAR_16

      public static final byte CHAR_16
      char, 16-bit Unicode character, big endian order.
      See Also:
    • STRING_8

      public static final byte STRING_8
      String, number-preceded byte array of 8-bits characters. The string types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of characters in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. An ASCII string "Hello" is therefore coded as follows: |9|0|0|0|5|H|e|l|l|o|
      See Also:
    • STRING_16

      public static final byte STRING_16
      String, number-preceded char array of 16-bits characters, big-endian order. The string types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of characters in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int.
      See Also:
    • BYTE_8_ARRAY

      public static final byte BYTE_8_ARRAY
      Number-preceded byte array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. An array of 8 bytes with numbers 1 through 8 is therefore coded as follows: |11|0|0|0|8|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|
      See Also:
    • SHORT_16_ARRAY

      public static final byte SHORT_16_ARRAY
      Number-preceded short array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. An array of 8 shorts with numbers 100 through 107 is therefore coded as follows: |12|0|0|0|8|0|100|0|101|0|102|0|103|0|104|0|105|0|106|0|107|
      See Also:
    • INT_32_ARRAY

      public static final byte INT_32_ARRAY
      Number-preceded int array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. An array of 4 ints with numbers 100 through 103 is therefore coded as follows: |13|0|0|0|4|0|0|0|100|0|0|0|101|0|0|0|102|0|0|0|103|
      See Also:
    • LONG_64_ARRAY

      public static final byte LONG_64_ARRAY
      Number-preceded long array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. An array of 3 longs with numbers 100 through 102 is therefore coded as follows: |14|0|0|0|3|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|100|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|101|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|102|
      See Also:
    • FLOAT_32_ARRAY

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_ARRAY
      Number-preceded float array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_ARRAY
      Number-preceded double array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int.
      See Also:

      public static final byte BOOLEAN_8_ARRAY
      Number-preceded boolean array. The array types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int.
      See Also:

      public static final byte BYTE_8_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded byte matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows. A matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns of bytes 1-2-4 6-7-8 is therefore coded as follows: |18|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|3|0|1|0|2|0|4|0|6|0|7|0|8|
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:

      public static final byte SHORT_16_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded short matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows. A matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns of shorts 1-2-4 6-7-8 is therefore coded as follows: |19|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|3|1|2|4|6|7|8|
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:
    • INT_32_MATRIX

      public static final byte INT_32_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded int matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows. A matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns of integers 1-2-4 6-7-8 is therefore coded as follows: |20|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|3|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|4|0|0|0|6|0|0|0|7|0|0|0|8|
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:
    • LONG_64_MATRIX

      public static final byte LONG_64_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded long matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows. A matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns of long vales 1-2-4 6-7-8 is therefore coded as follows: |21|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|3|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|4|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|6|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|7|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|8|
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded float matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows.
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded double matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows.
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:

      public static final byte BOOLEAN_8_MATRIX
      Number of rows and number of columns preceded boolean matrix. The matrix types are preceded by a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. The number of values in the matrix that follows is rows * columns. The data is stored row by row, without a separator between the rows.
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:
    • FLOAT_32_UNIT

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT
      Float, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type attached. The internal storage of the value that is transmitted is always in the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. The value is preceded by a one-byte unit type, and a one-byte display type (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit). As an example: suppose the unit indicates that the type is a length, whereas the display type indicates that the internally stored value 60000.0 should be displayed as 60.0 km, this is coded as follows: |25|16|11|0x47|0x6A|0x60|0x00|
      See Also:
    • DOUBLE_64_UNIT

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT
      Double, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type attached. The internal storage of the value that is transmitted is always in the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. The value is preceded by a one-byte unit type and a one-byte display type (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit). As an example: suppose the unit indicates that the type is a length, whereas the display type indicates that the internally stored value 60000.0 should be displayed as 60.0 km, this is coded as follows: |26|16|11|0x47|0x6A|0x60|0x00|0x00|0x00|0x00|0x00|
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT_ARRAY
      Number-preceded dense float array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type. After the byte with value 27, the array types have a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. Then a one-byte unit type follows and a one-byte display type (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit). The internal storage of the values that are transmitted after that always use the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. As an example: when we send an array of two durations, 2.0 minutes and 2.5 minutes, this is coded as follows: |27|0|0|0|2|25|7|0x40|0x00|0x00|0x00|0x40|0x20|0x00|0x00|
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT_ARRAY
      Number-preceded dense double array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type. After the byte with value 28, the array types have a 32-bit int indicating the number of values in the array that follows. This int is itself not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. Then a one-byte unit type follows and a one-byte display type (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit). The internal storage of the values that are transmitted after that always use the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. As an example: when we send an array of two durations, 21.2 minutes and 21.5 minutes, this is coded as follows: |28|0|0|0|2|25|7|0x40|0x35|0x33|0x33|0x3|0x33|0x33|0x33|0x40|0x35|0x80|0x00|0x00|0x00|0x00|0x00|
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT_MATRIX
      Rows/Cols-preceded dense float array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type. After the byte with value 29, the matrix types have a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows in the array that follows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. Then a one-byte unit type follows and a one-byte (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit) display type The internal storage of the values that are transmitted after that always use the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. Summarized, the coding is as follows:
       |29|  |R|O|W|S|  |C|O|L|S|  |UT|  |DT|
       |R|1|C|1|  |R|1|C|2| ... |R|1|C|n| 
       |R|2|C|1|  |R|2|C|2| ... |R|2|C|n| 
       |R|m|C|1|  |R|m|C|2| ... |R|m|C|n|
      In the language sending ore receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT_MATRIX
      Rows/Cols-preceded dense double array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unit type and display type. After the byte with value 30, the matrix types have a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows in the array that follows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. Then a one-byte unit type follows and a one-byte (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit) display type The internal storage of the values that are transmitted after that always use the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. Summarized, the coding is as follows:
       |30|  |R|O|W|S|  |C|O|L|S|  |UT|  |DT|
       |R|1|C|1|.|.|.|.|  |R|1|C|2|.|.|.|.| ... |R|1|C|n|.|.|.|.| 
       |R|2|C|1|.|.|.|.|  |R|2|C|2|.|.|.|.| ... |R|2|C|n|.|.|.|.| 
       |R|m|C|1|.|.|.|.|  |R|m|C|2|.|.|.|.| ... |R|m|C|n|.|.|.|.|
      In the language sending ore receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col].
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT_COLUMN_ARRAY
      Number-preceded dense float array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unique unit type and display type per row. After the byte with value 31, the matrix types have a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows in the array that follows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. Then a one-byte unit type for column 1 follows and a one-byte (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit) display type for column 1. Then the unit type and display type for column 2, etc. The internal storage of the values that are transmitted after that always use the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. Summarized, the coding is as follows:
       |31|  |R|O|W|S|  |C|O|L|S|
       |UT1|DT1|  |UT2|DT2| ... |UTn|DTn|
       |R|1|C|1|  |R|1|C|2| ... |R|1|C|n| 
       |R|2|C|1|  |R|2|C|2| ... |R|2|C|n| 
       |R|m|C|1|  |R|m|C|2| ... |R|m|C|n|
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col]. This data type is ideal for, for instance, sending a time series of values, where column 1 indicates the time, and column 2 the value. Suppose that we have a time series of 4 values at t = {1, 2, 3, 4} hours and dimensionless values v = {20.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0}, then the coding is as follows:
       |31|  |0|0|0|4|  |0|0|0|2|
       |26|8|  |0|0|
       |0x3F|0x80|0x00|0x00|  |0x41|0xA0|0x00|0x00|
       |0x40|0x00|0x00|0x00|  |0x42|0x20|0x00|0x00|
       |0x40|0x00|0x40|0x00|  |0x42|0x48|0x00|0x00|
       |0x40|0x80|0x00|0x00|  |0x42|0x70|0x00|0x00|
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT_COLUMN_ARRAY
      Number-preceded dense double array, stored internally in the SI unit, with a unique unit type and display type per row. After the byte with value 32, the matrix types have a 32-bit int indicating the number of rows in the array that follows, followed by a 32-bit int indicating the number of columns. These integers are not preceded by a byte indicating it is an int. Then a one-byte unit type for column 1 follows (see the table above) and a one-byte (or two-byte in case of the MoneyPerUnit) display type for column 1 (see Appendix A). Then the unit type and display type for column 2, etc. The internal storage of the values that are transmitted after that always use the SI (or standard) unit, except for money where the display unit is used. Summarized, the coding is as follows:
       |32|  |R|O|W|S|  |C|O|L|S|
       |UT1|DT1|  |UT2|DT2| ... |UTn|DTn|
       |R|1|C|1|.|.|.|.|  |R|1|C|2|.|.|.|.| ... |R|1|C|n|.|.|.|.| 
       |R|2|C|1|.|.|.|.|  |R|2|C|2|.|.|.|.| ... |R|2|C|n|.|.|.|.| 
       |R|m|C|1|.|.|.|.|  |R|m|C|2|.|.|.|.| ... |R|m|C|n|.|.|.|.|
      In the language sending or receiving a matrix, the rows are denoted by the outer index, and the columns by the inner index: matrix[row][col]. This data type is ideal for, for instance, sending a time series of values, where column 1 indicates the time, and column 2 the value. Suppose that we have a time series of 4 values at dimensionless years {2010, 2011, 2012, 2013} and costs of dollars per acre of {415.7, 423.4, 428.0, 435.1}, then the coding is as follows:
       |32|  |0|0|0|4|  |0|0|0|2|
       |0|0|  |101|150|18|
      See Also:
    • BYTE_8_LE

      public static final byte BYTE_8_LE
      128 (-128) Byte, 8 bit signed two's complement integer; equal to code 0.
      See Also:
    • SHORT_16_LE

      public static final byte SHORT_16_LE
      129 (-127) Short, 16 bit signed two's complement integer, little endian order.
      See Also:
    • INT_32_LE

      public static final byte INT_32_LE
      130 (-126) Integer, 32 bit signed two's complement integer, little endian order.
      See Also:
    • LONG_64_LE

      public static final byte LONG_64_LE
      131 (-125) Long, 64 bit signed two's complement integer, little endian order.
      See Also:
    • FLOAT_32_LE

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_LE
      132 (-124) Float, single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point, little endian order.
      See Also:
    • DOUBLE_64_LE

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_LE
      133 (-123) Float, double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point, little endian order.
      See Also:
    • BOOLEAN_8_LE

      public static final byte BOOLEAN_8_LE
      134 (-122) Boolean, sent / received as a byte; 0 = false, 1 = true; equal to code 6.
      See Also:
    • CHAR_8_LE

      public static final byte CHAR_8_LE
      135 (-121) Char, 8-bit ASCII character; equal to code 7.
      See Also:
    • CHAR_16_LE

      public static final byte CHAR_16_LE
      136 (-120) Char, 16-bit Unicode character, little-endian order for the 2 part.
      See Also:
    • STRING_8_LE

      public static final byte STRING_8_LE
      s 137 (-119) String, 32-bit little-endian number-preceded byte array of 8-bits characters.
      See Also:
    • STRING_16_LE

      public static final byte STRING_16_LE
      138 (-118) String, 32-bit little-endian number-preceded char array of 16-bits characters, each 2-byte character in little-endian order.
      See Also:

      public static final byte BYTE_8_ARRAY_LE
      139 (-117) Byte array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of bytes.
      See Also:

      public static final byte SHORT_16_ARRAY_LE
      140 (-116) Short array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of shorts, little-endian coded shorts.
      See Also:
    • INT_32_ARRAY_LE

      public static final byte INT_32_ARRAY_LE
      141 (-115) Integer array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of integers, little-endian coded ints.
      See Also:
    • LONG_64_ARRAY_LE

      public static final byte LONG_64_ARRAY_LE
      142 (-114) Long array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of longs, little-endian coded longs.
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_ARRAY_LE
      143 (-113) Float array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of floats, little-endian coded floats.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_ARRAY_LE
      144 (-112) Double array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of doubles, little-endian coded doubles.
      See Also:

      public static final byte BOOLEAN_8_ARRAY_LE
      145 (-111) Boolean array, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number indicating the number of booleans.
      See Also:

      public static final byte BYTE_8_MATRIX_LE
      146 (-110) Byte matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count.
      See Also:

      public static final byte SHORT_16_MATRIX_LE
      147 (-109) Short matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded shorts.
      See Also:
    • INT_32_MATRIX_LE

      public static final byte INT_32_MATRIX_LE
      148 (-108) Integer matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded ints.
      See Also:

      public static final byte LONG_64_MATRIX_LE
      149 (-107) Long matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded longs.
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_MATRIX_LE
      150 (-106) Float matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian coded floats.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_MATRIX_LE
      151 (-105) Double matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count, little-endian doubles.
      See Also:

      public static final byte BOOLEAN_8_MATRIX_LE
      152 (-104) Boolean matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian number row count and a 32-bit little-endian number column count.
      See Also:
    • FLOAT_32_UNIT_LE

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT_LE
      153 (-103) Float stored internally as a little-endian float in the corresponding SI unit, with unit type and display unit attached. The total size of the object is 7 bytes plus 1 or 2 extra bytes when a money unit is involved.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT_LE
      154 (-102) Double stored internally as a little-endian double in the corresponding SI unit, with unit type and display unit attached. The total size of the object is 11 bytes plus 1 or 2 extra bytes when a money unit is involved.
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT_ARRAY_LE
      155 (-101) Dense float array, preceded by a little-endian 32-bit number indicating the number of floats, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire float array. Each float is stored in little-endian order.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT_ARRAY_LE
      156 (-100) Dense double array, preceded by a little-endian 32-bit number indicating the number of doubles, little-endian order, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire double array. Each double is stored in little-endian order.
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT_MATRIX_LE
      157 (-99) Dense float matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire float matrix. Each float is stored in little-endian order.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT_MATRIX_LE
      158 (-98) Dense double matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with unit type and display unit attached to the entire double matrix. Each double is stored in little-endian order.
      See Also:

      public static final byte FLOAT_32_UNIT2_MATRIX_LE
      159 (-97) Dense little-endian float matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with a unique unit type and display unit per row of the float matrix.
      See Also:

      public static final byte DOUBLE_64_UNIT2_MATRIX_LE
      160 (-96) Dense little-endian double matrix, preceded by a 32-bit little-endian row count int and a 32-bit little-endian column count int, with a unique unit type and display unit per row of the double matrix.
      See Also: