
package org.djutils.eval;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.djunits.unit.DimensionlessUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.TimeUnit;
import org.djunits.unit.Unit;
import org.djunits.unit.si.SIDimensions;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Dimensionless;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.SIScalar;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Time;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.Constants;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalar;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarAbs;
import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.base.DoubleScalarRel;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.metadata.MetaData;
import org.djutils.metadata.ObjectDescriptor;

 * Eval - evaluate mathematical expression. Derived from software developed between 2002-2016 by Peter Knoppers.
 * <p>
 * CONSIDER: implement string datatype.
 * <p>
 * The precedence of binary operators follows the list of the
 * <a href="https://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~guvenir/courses/CS101/op_precedence.html">Java Operator Precedence Table</a>,
 * skipping bitwise and other operators that make no sense for this evaluator and adding the exponentiation (^) operator.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="https://www.tudelft.nl/pknoppers">Peter Knoppers</a>
public class Eval
    /** The expression evaluation stack. */
    private List<Object> stack = new ArrayList<>();

    /** The expression. */
    private String expression;

    /** Position of next token in the expression. */
    private int position = 0;

    /** Access to the variable pool. */
    private RetrieveValue retrieveValue = null;

    /** Binding strength of ternary conditional. */
    private static final int BIND_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION = 1;

    /** Binding strength of boolean OR operation. */
    private static final int BIND_OR = 2;

    /** Binding strength of boolean AND operation. */
    private static final int BIND_AND = 3;

    /** Binding strength of == and != operators. */
    private static final int BIND_EQUAL = 4;

    /** Binding strength of <, <=, >, >= relational operators. */
    private static final int BIND_RELATIONAL = 5;

    /** Binding strength of addition and subtraction operators. */
    private static final int BIND_ADD = 6;

    /** Binding strength of multiplication and division operators. */
    private static final int BIND_MUL = 7;

    /** Binding strength of the power operation. */
    private static final int BIND_POW = 8;

    /** Binding strength of unary minus and logical negation. */
    private static final int BIND_UMINUS = 9;

    /** Object descriptor array for all zero argument functions. */
    private static final ObjectDescriptor[] noArguments = new ObjectDescriptor[] {};

    /** The built-in functions. */
    // @formatter:off
    private final Function[] builtinFunctions = new Function[] {
        new F0("AVOGADRO", Constants.AVOGADRO, new MetaData("Avogadro constant", "Avogadro constant in 1/mol", noArguments)),
        new F0("BOLTZMANN", Constants.BOLTZMANN, new MetaData("Boltzmann constant",
                "The exact value of the Boltzmann constant in Joule per Kelvin", noArguments)),
        new F0("CESIUM133_FREQUENCY", Constants.CESIUM133_FREQUENCY, new MetaData("Cesium 133 frequency", 
                "The exact value of the Cesium 133 ground state hyperfine structure transition frequency", noArguments)),
        new F0("CURRENTTIME", Time.ZERO.getClass(),
                new MetaData("The current time in seconds since 1970 UTC", 
                        "The current time in seconds since 1970 UTC to the nearest ms as reported by the operating system", noArguments), 
                (f) -> new Time(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000d, TimeUnit.BASE_SECOND)),
        new F0("E", Constants.E, new MetaData("Euler\'s constant e", "Euler\'s constant e; the base of the natural logarithm")),
        new F0("ELECTRONCHARGE", Constants.ELECTRONCHARGE, new MetaData("Electrical charge of one electron", 
                "The exact electrical charge of one electron", noArguments)),
        new F0("ELECTRONMASS", Constants.ELECTRONMASS, new MetaData("Mass of an electron", 
                "Mass of an electron, the value of this physical constant has an uncertainty of 2.8e-40 kg", noArguments)),
        new F0("G", Constants.G, new MetaData("Gravitational constant", 
                "Gravitational constant, a.k.a. Newtonian constant of gravitation. This is the 2018 best known approximation, which has an "
                + "uncertainty 1.5e-15 m^3/kgs^2", noArguments)),
        new F0("LIGHTSPEED", Constants.LIGHTSPEED, new MetaData("Speed of light in vacuum", "The exact speed of light in vacuum", noArguments)),
        new F0("LUMINOUS_EFFICACY_540THZ", Constants.LUMINOUS_EFFICACY_540THZ, new MetaData(
                "The luminous efficacy Kcd of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10^12 Hz (540 THz)",
                "The exact luminous efficacy Kcd of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540×10^12 Hz (540 THz)", noArguments)),
        new F0("NEUTRONMASS", Constants.NEUTRONMASS, new MetaData("Mass of a neutron", 
                "Mass of a neutron. The value of this physical constant has an uncertainty of 9.5e-37 kg.", noArguments)),
        new F0("PI", Constants.PI, new MetaData("Ratio of a half circumference of a circle and its radius", 
                "Ratio of a half circumference of a circle and its radius", noArguments)),
        new F0("PHI", Constants.PHI, new MetaData("Golden ratio", "Golden ratio", noArguments)),
        new F0("PLANCK", Constants.PLANCK, new MetaData("Planck constant; ratio of a photon's energy and its frequency",
                "Planck constant; the exact ratio of a photon's energy and its frequency", noArguments)),
        new F0("PLANCKREDUCED", Constants.PLANCKREDUCED, new MetaData("Reduced Planck constant", 
                "Reduced Planck constant, a.k.a. angular Planck constant; Planck constant divided by 2 pi" ,noArguments)),
        new F0("PROTONCHARGE", Constants.PROTONCHARGE, new MetaData("ElectricalCharge of one proton", "ElectricalCharge of one proton", noArguments)),
        new F0("PROTONMASS", Constants.PROTONMASS, new MetaData("Mass of a proton", 
                "Mass of a proton. The value of this physical constant has an uncertainty of 5.1e-37", noArguments)),
        new F0("TAU", Constants.TAU, new MetaData("Ratio of circumference of circle and its radius", 
                "Ratio of circumference of circle and its radius", noArguments)),
        new F0("VACUUMIMPEDANCE", Constants.VACUUMIMPEDANCE, new MetaData("Impedance of vacuum", "Impedance of vacuum", noArguments)),
        new F0("VACUUMPERMEABILITY", Constants.VACUUMPERMEABILITY, new MetaData("Permeability of vacuum",
                "Permeability of vacuum. The uncertainty of this value is 1.9e-16N/A^2", noArguments)),
        new F0("VACUUMPERMITTIVITY", Constants.VACUUMPERMITTIVITY, new MetaData("Permittivity of vacuum.",
                "Permittivity of vacuum. The uncertainty of this value is 1.3e-21 F/m.", noArguments)),
        new F0("TRUE", Boolean.TRUE, new MetaData("The logical value TRUE", "The logical value TRUE", noArguments)),
        new F0("FALSE", Boolean.FALSE, new MetaData("The logical value FALSE", "The logical value FALSE", noArguments)),
        new F1("acos", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("acos", "returns the angle of which the cosine equals the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("angle", "angle", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).acos()),
        new F1("asin", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("asin", "returns the angle of which the sine equals the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("angle", "angle", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).asin()),
        new F1("atan", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("atan", "returns the angle of which the tangent equals the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("angle", "angle", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).atan()),
        new F1("cbrt", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cbrt", "returns the cubic root of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).cbrt()),
        new F1("cos", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cos", "returns the cosine of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).cos()),
        new F1("cosh", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cosh", "returns the hyperbolic cosine of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).cosh()),
        new F1("exp", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("exp", "returns e to the power of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).exp()),
        new F1("expm1", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("expm1", "returns e to the power of the argument minus 1",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).expm1()),
        new F1("log", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("log", "returns natural logarithm (logarithm base e) of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).log()),
        new F1("log10", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("log10", "returns logarithm base 10 of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).log10()),
        new F1("log1p", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("log1p", "returns natural logarithm (logarithm base e) of the argument plus 1",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).log1p()),
        new F1("signum", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("signum", "returns sign of the argument (1 if positive, -1 if negative, 0 if zero)",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).signum()),
        new F1("sin", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cos", "returns the sine of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).sin()),
        new F1("sinh", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cosh", "returns the hyperbolic sine of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).sinh()),
        new F1("sqrt", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cos", "returns the square root of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).sqrt()),
        new F1("tan", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cos", "returns the tangent of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).tan()),
        new F1("tanh", Dimensionless.class, new MetaData("cosh", "returns the hyperbolic tangent of the value of the argument",
                new ObjectDescriptor("value", "value", Dimensionless.class)), (i, a) -> checkDimensionless(i, a).tanh()),
        new F2("pow", new MetaData("pow", "raises the first argument to the power of the second argument",                
                new ObjectDescriptor("base", "base", Dimensionless.class), 
                new ObjectDescriptor("exponent", "exponent", Dimensionless.class)),
                (i, b, p)-> performPower(b, p) ),
        new F2("atan2", new MetaData("atan2", 
                "atan2 function (needs two DoubleScalarRel parameters that have the same SI dimensions)", 
                new ObjectDescriptor("y", "y", DoubleScalarRel.class),
                new ObjectDescriptor("x", "x", DoubleScalarRel.class)), (i, y, x) -> performAtan2(y, x)),
    // @formatter:on
    /** Map of all the built-in functions. */
    private Map<String, Function> functionData;

        this.functionData = new HashMap<>();
        for (Function function : this.builtinFunctions)
            this.functionData.put(function.getId(), function);

    /** User defined functions. */
    private Map<String, Function> userDefinedFunctions = null;

    /** User supplied unit parser. */
    private UnitParser userSuppliedUnitParser = null;

    /** Map from DoubleScalar sub classes to Quantities */
    private Map<Class<?>, SIDimensions> siDimensionsMap = new HashMap<>();

     * Construct a new evaluator with no RetrieveValue object and no added/overridden function and no added/overridden units.
    public Eval()
        // Nothing to do here

     * Set or replace the RetrieveValue object of this evaluator.
     * @param retrieveValue RetrieveValue; the new RetrieveValue object (may be null to only delete the currently active
     *            RetrieveValue object).
     * @return Eval; this (for easy method chaining)
    public Eval setRetrieveValue(final RetrieveValue retrieveValue)
        this.retrieveValue = retrieveValue;
        return this;

     * Install a unit parser (or replace or remove a previously installed unit parser). A user supplied unit parser takes
     * precedence over the built-in unit parser (that can only handle SI strings; see SIDimensions.of).
     * @param unitParser UnitParser; the new unit parser or null to remove a previously installed unit parser
     * @return Eval; this (for easy method chainging)
    public Eval setUnitParser(final UnitParser unitParser)
        this.userSuppliedUnitParser = unitParser;
        return this;

    // TODO create a mechanism that allows parsing of user-defined units (e.g., [km/h])

     * Evaluate a mathematical expression
     * @param expression String; the expression
     * @return Object; The value of the evaluated expression
     * @throws RuntimeException when the expression cannot be evaluated
    public Object evaluate(final String expression) throws RuntimeException
        return evaluateExpression(expression);

     * Evaluate a mathematical expression, check that the result is a logical value and return that value as a Boolean
     * @param expression String; the expression
     * @return Boolean; the result of the expression
     * @throws RuntimeException when the expression could not be evaluated, or the result is not a logical value
    public Boolean evaluateAsBoolean(final String expression) throws RuntimeException
        Object result = evaluateExpression(expression);
        if (!(result instanceof Boolean))
            throwException("Result " + result + " can not be cast to a Boolean");
        return ((Boolean) result);

     * Evaluate a mathematical expression, check that the result is a floating point value and return that value as a double. If
     * the result is strongly typed (some DJUNITS quantity), the SI value is returned.
     * @param expression String; the expression
     * @return double; the result of the expression
     * @throws RuntimeException when the expression could not be evaluated, or the result is not a logical value
    public double evaluateAsDouble(final String expression) throws RuntimeException
        Object result = evaluateExpression(expression);
        if (!(result instanceof DoubleScalar<?, ?>))
            throwException("Result " + result + " can not be cast to a double");
        return ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) result).si;

     * Create and return a collection of all built in functions.
     * @return Collection&lt;Function&gt;; all built in functions
    public Collection<Function> builtInFunctions()
        return this.functionData.values();

     * Install a map of user-defined functions. If a built-in function has the same name as a user-defined function; the
     * user-defined function takes precedence.
     * @param userDefinedFunctionMap Map&lt;String, Function&gt;; map that maps the name of the function to a Function object
     * @return Eval; this (for easy method chaining)
    public Eval setUserDefinedFunctions(final Map<String, Function> userDefinedFunctionMap)
        this.userDefinedFunctions = userDefinedFunctionMap;
        return this;

     * Evaluate one expression.
     * @param expression String; the expression to evaluate
     * @return Object; the result of the evaluation (DoubleScalar or Boolean)
     * @throws RuntimeException when the expression could not be evaluated, or the result is not a logical value
    public Object evaluateExpression(final String expression) throws RuntimeException
        Throw.whenNull(expression, "expression may not be null");
        Throw.when(expression.length() == 0, IllegalArgumentException.class, "Expression may not be the empty string");
        String savedExpression = this.expression;
        int savedPosition = this.position;
        List<Object> savedStack = new ArrayList<>(this.stack);
            this.expression = expression;
            this.position = 0;
            if (this.position < this.expression.length())
                this.throwException("Trailing garbage: \"" + this.expression.substring(this.position) + "\"");
            if (this.stack.size() > 1)
                this.throwException("Unfinished operations");
            if (this.stack.size() <= 0)
                this.throwException("No result after evaluation");
            return pop();
            this.expression = savedExpression;
            this.position = savedPosition;
            this.stack = savedStack;

     * Increment position up to the next non-space character.
    private void eatSpace()
        while (this.position < this.expression.length() && Character.isWhitespace(this.expression.charAt(this.position)))

     * Evaluate the left-hand-side of a binary operation.
     * @param bindingStrength int; the binding strength of a pending binary operation (0 if no binary operation is pending)
     * @throws RuntimeException on error
    private void evalLhs(final int bindingStrength) throws RuntimeException
        if (this.position >= this.expression.length())
            throwException("Missing operand");
        char token = this.expression.charAt(this.position);
        switch (token)
            case '-': // Unary minus
                Object value = pop();
                if (value instanceof DoubleScalar<?, ?>)
                    push(((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) value).neg());
                throwException("Cannot apply unary minus on " + value);

            case '!':
                if (this.position >= this.expression.length() - 1 || '=' != this.expression.charAt(this.position + 1))
                    // unary logical negation
                    Object value = pop();
                    if (value instanceof Boolean)
                        push(!((Boolean) value));
                    throwException("Cannot apply unary not operator on " + value);
                break; // We should not get a "!=" operation here, but if we do, it results in an error later on

            case '(': // parenthesized expression
                if (this.position >= this.expression.length() || ')' != this.expression.charAt(this.position))
                    throwException("Missing closing parenthesis");
                this.position++; // step over the closing parenthesis

            default: // parse one operand
                if (Character.isLetter(token) || '#' == token || '@' == token || '_' == token)
                else if (Character.isDigit(token) || '.' == token)

     * Evaluate the right hand sid of a mathematical expression. Stop at a closing parenthesis, or a binary operator that does
     * not have a higher binding strength than the argument.
     * @param bindingStrength int; if the next token is a binary operator with a lower or equal binding strength; return without
     *            consuming that token.
     * @throws RuntimeException when the expression is mathematically unsound
    private void evalRhs(final int bindingStrength) throws RuntimeException
        while (this.position < this.expression.length())
            char token = this.expression.charAt(this.position);
            switch (token)
                case ')':

                case '^': // power operator
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (bindingStrength > BIND_POW) // Not >=; this ensures a^b^c is evaluated as a^(b^c); not (a^b)^c
                    { // See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations#Serial_exponentiation
                        return; // Cannot happen

                case '*':
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_MUL)

                case '/':
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_MUL)

                case '+':
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_ADD)

                case '-':
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand"); // Cannot happen; that minus would be considered unary
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_ADD)

                case '&': // boolean and with something
                    if (this.position >= this.expression.length() - 1 || '&' != this.expression.charAt(this.position + 1))
                        throwException("Single \'&\' is not a valid operator");
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_AND)
                    this.position += 2;

                case '|': // boolean or with something
                    if (this.position >= this.expression.length() - 1 || '|' != this.expression.charAt(this.position + 1))
                        throwException("Single \'|\' is not a valid operator");
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_OR)
                    this.position += 2;

                case '<':
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (this.position < this.expression.length() && '=' == this.expression.charAt(this.position))
                                a, b
                        ) -> (a <= b));
                                a, b
                        ) -> (a < b));

                case '>':
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    if (this.position < this.expression.length() && '=' == this.expression.charAt(this.position))
                                a, b
                        ) -> (a >= b));
                                a, b
                        ) -> (a > b));

                case '=':
                    if (this.position >= this.expression.length() - 1 || '=' != this.expression.charAt(this.position + 1))
                        throwException("Single \'=\' is not a valid operator");
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    this.position += 2;
                    Object right = pop();
                    Object left = pop();
                    push(left.equals(right)); // This also works for Boolean operands.

                case '!':
                    if (this.position >= this.expression.length() - 1 || '=' != this.expression.charAt(this.position + 1))
                        throwException("Single \'!\' is not a valid operator");
                    if (this.stack.isEmpty())
                        throwException("Missing left operand");
                    this.position += 2;
                    Object right = pop();
                    Object left = pop();
                    push(!left.equals(right)); // This also works for Boolean operands and mixed-type operands.

                case '?': // Conditional expression
                    if (bindingStrength >= BIND_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION)
                    // This is special as we really do not want to evaluate or cause side effects on the non-taken part
                    Object choice = pop();
                    if (!(choice instanceof Boolean))
                        throwException("Condition does not evaluate to a logical value");
                    if (!((Boolean) choice))
                        // Skip the "then" part
                        evalLhs(0); // should consume everything up to the ':'
                    if (this.position >= this.expression.length() || ':' != this.expression.charAt(this.position))
                        throwException("Missing \':\' of conditional expression");
                    this.position++; // skip the ':'
                    if ((Boolean) choice)
                        // Skip the "else" part

                case ':':

                case ',':

                    throwException("Operator expected (got \"" + token + "\")");


     * Interface for comparator for two double values.
    interface CompareValues
         * Compare two double values.
         * @param argument1 double; the left argument of the comparator
         * @param argument2 double; the right argument of the comparator
         * @return Object; the result type of the function
        Object execute(double argument1, double argument2);


     * Pop two operands from the stack and compare them using the provided comparator lambda expression
     * @param comparator CompareValues; a function that compares two DoubleScalar values.
    private void compareDoubleScalars(final CompareValues comparator)
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if ((left instanceof DoubleScalar) && (right instanceof DoubleScalar)
                && getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).equals(getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right)))
            push(comparator.execute(((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).si, ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right).si));
        throwException("Cannot compare " + left + " to " + right);

     * Throw an exception because the expression cannot be evaluated.
     * @param description String; description of the problem
     * @throws RuntimeException always thrown
    private void throwException(final String description) throws RuntimeException
        throw new RuntimeException(description + " at position " + this.position);

     * Skip the "then" or the "else" part of a conditional expression.
     * @param thenPart boolean; if true; skip the then part (i.e. skip until a ':'); if false; skip the else part (i.e. until
     *            end of expression of a binary operator)
    private void skip(final boolean thenPart)
        while (this.position < this.expression.length())
            switch (this.expression.charAt(this.position))
                case '(': // Eat up everything until the matching closing parenthesis
                    int level = 1;
                    while (this.position < this.expression.length())
                        char c = this.expression.charAt(this.position);
                        if ('(' == c)
                        else if (')' == c && --level == 0)
                    if (level > 0)
                        throwException("Missing closing parenthesis");
                    this.position++; // skip the closing parenthesis

                case '?': // Nested conditional expression
                    if (this.position >= this.expression.length() || ':' != this.expression.charAt(this.position))
                        throwException("Conditional expression missing \':\'");

                case ':':

                case '^':
                case '*':
                case '/':
                case '+':
                case '-':
                case '<':
                case '=':
                case '>':
                case '!':
                    if (!thenPart)
                        return; // Every operator has lower precedence than the else part

        if (thenPart)
            throwException("Nonterminated conditional expression");
        // Else end of expression is end of else part

     * Perform the boolean AND operation on the two top-most elements on the stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void and()
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if ((left instanceof Boolean) && (right instanceof Boolean))
            push(((Boolean) left) && ((Boolean) right));
        throwException("Cannot compute logical AND of " + left + " and " + right);

     * Perform the boolean OR operation on the two top-most elements on the stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void or()
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if ((left instanceof Boolean) && (right instanceof Boolean))
            push(((Boolean) left) || ((Boolean) right));
        throwException("Cannot compute logical AND of " + left + " and " + right);

     * Perform the power operation on the two top-most elements on stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void power()
        Object exponent = pop();
        Object base = pop();
        push(performPower(base, exponent));

     * Perform the power operation on the two arguments and return the result
     * @param base Object; the base operand of the power operation
     * @param exponent Object; the exponent of the power operation
     * @return Object; the result of the power operation
    private Object performPower(final Object base, final Object exponent)
        if ((base instanceof DoubleScalarRel) && (exponent instanceof DoubleScalarRel)
                && getDimensions((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) base).equals(getDimensions(DimensionlessUnit.SI))
                && getDimensions((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) exponent).equals(getDimensions(DimensionlessUnit.SI)))
            DoubleScalar<?, ?> result = DoubleScalarRel.instantiate(
                    Math.pow(((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) base).si, ((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) exponent).si), DimensionlessUnit.SI);
            // System.out.println(base + " ^ " + exponent + " = " + result);
            return result;
        throwException("Cannot raise " + base + " to power " + exponent);
        return null; // Not reached

     * Perform the atan2 function on the two arguments and return the result
     * @param y Object; should be some kind of DoubleScalarRel
     * @param x Object; should be some kind of DoubleScalarRel with the same SiDimensions as y
     * @return Object; in fact a DoubleScalarRel with a quantity matching Dimensionless
    private Object performAtan2(final Object y, final Object x)
        if ((y instanceof DoubleScalarRel) && (x instanceof DoubleScalarRel)
                && getDimensions((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) y).equals(getDimensions((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) x)))
            DoubleScalar<?, ?> result = DoubleScalarRel.instantiate(
                    Math.atan2(((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) y).si, ((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) x).si), DimensionlessUnit.SI);
            // System.out.println(base + " ^ " + exponent + " = " + result);
            return result;
        throwException("Cannot compute atan2 of " + y + ", " + x + ")");
        return null; // Not reached


     * Multiply the two top-most elements on the stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void multiply()
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if ((right instanceof DoubleScalarRel) && (left instanceof DoubleScalarRel))
            push(((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) left).times((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) right));
        throwException("Cannot multiply with " + right + " as right hand operand");

     * Divide the two top-most elements on the stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void divide()
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if ((left instanceof DoubleScalarRel) && (right instanceof DoubleScalarRel))
            if (0.0 == ((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) right).si)
                throwException("Division by 0");
            push(((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) left).divide((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) right));
        throwException("Cannot divide " + left + " by " + right);

     * Add the two top-most elements on the stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void add()
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if (!(left instanceof DoubleScalar))
            throwException("Left operand of addition must be a scalar (got \"" + left + "\")");
        if (!(right instanceof DoubleScalar))
            throwException("Right operand of addition must be a scalar (got \"" + right + "\")");
        // Both operands are DoubleScalar
        if (!((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions()
                .equals(getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right)))
            // System.out.println("left: " + getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left));
            // System.out.println("right: " + getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right));
            throwException("Cannot add " + left + " to " + right + " because the types are incompatible");
        // Operands are of compatible unit
        if ((left instanceof DoubleScalarRel) && (right instanceof DoubleScalarRel))
            // Rel + Rel -> Rel
            DoubleScalar<?, ?> sum =
                    DoubleScalarRel.instantiateAnonymous(((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) left).si + ((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) right).si,
                            ((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) left).getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
            // System.out.println(left + " + " + right + " = " + sum);
            // Set display unit???
        if (right instanceof DoubleScalarAbs)
            throwException("Cannot add an absolute value to some other value");
        // Abs + Rel -> Abs
                ?> sum = DoubleScalarAbs.instantiateAnonymous(
                        ((DoubleScalarAbs<?, ?, ?, ?>) left).si + ((DoubleScalarRel<?, ?>) right).si,
                        ((DoubleScalarAbs<?, ?, ?, ?>) left).getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
        // System.out.println(left + " + " + right + " = " + sum);
        // sum.setDisplayUnit(ds.getDisplayUnit());

     * Subtract the two top-most elements on the stack and push the result back onto the stack.
    private void subtract()
        Object right = pop();
        Object left = pop();
        if (!(left instanceof DoubleScalar))
            throwException("Left operand of subtraction must be a scalar (got \"" + left + "\")");
        if (!(right instanceof DoubleScalar))
            throwException("Right operand of subtraction must be a scalar (got \"" + right + "\")");
        // Now we know that we're dealing with DoubleScalar objects
        if (!getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).equals(getDimensions((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right)))
            throwException("Cannot subtract " + right + " from " + left + " because the types are incompatible");
        if ((left instanceof DoubleScalarAbs) && (right instanceof DoubleScalarAbs))
            // Abs - Abs -> Rel
            DoubleScalar<?, ?> difference =
                    DoubleScalarRel.instantiateAnonymous(((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).si - ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right).si,
                            ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
            // System.out.println(left + " - " + right + " = " + difference);
        if ((left instanceof DoubleScalarAbs) && (right instanceof DoubleScalarRel))
            // Abs - Rel -> Abs
            DoubleScalar<?, ?> difference =
                    DoubleScalarAbs.instantiateAnonymous(((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).si - ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right).si,
                            ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
            // System.out.println(left + " - " + right + " = " + difference);
        if ((left instanceof DoubleScalarRel) && (right instanceof DoubleScalarAbs))
            // Rel - Abs -> error
            throwException("Cannot subtract " + right + " from " + left + " because the right operand is absolute");
        // Rel - Rel -> Rel
        DoubleScalar<?, ?> difference =
                DoubleScalarRel.instantiateAnonymous(((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).si - ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) right).si,
                        ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) left).getDisplayUnit().getStandardUnit());
        // System.out.println(left + " - " + right + " = " + difference);

     * Parse a number and convert it to a SIScalar. If it is followed by an SI unit string inside square brackets, parse it into
     * the correct type.
     * @return DoubleScalar&lt;?,?&gt;; the value of the parsed number or value
    private DoubleScalar<?, ?> handleNumber()
        // Parse a number value
        int startPosition = this.position;
        boolean seenExp = false;
        boolean seenExpSign = false;
        boolean seenExpDigit = false;
        boolean seenRadix = false;
        while (this.position < this.expression.length())
            char c = this.expression.charAt(this.position);
            // Any leading plus and minus signs at the start of this value are consumed by evalLhs
            // A subsequent plus and minus sign indicates an addition or subtraction
            if (seenExp && (!seenExpDigit) && ('-' == c || '+' == c))
                if (seenExpSign)
                    throwException("Too many signs in exponent");
                seenExpSign = true;
            else if (seenExp && seenExpSign && (!Character.isDigit(c)))
            else if ('e' == c || 'E' == c)
                if (seenExp)
                    throwException("Too many 'e' or 'E' indicators");
                seenExp = true;
            else if ('.' == c)
                if (seenRadix)
                    throwException("Too many '.'");
                if (seenExp)
                    throwException("A \'.\' is not allowed after \'e\' or \'E\'");
                seenRadix = true;
            else if (Character.isDigit(c))
                if (seenExp)
                    seenExpDigit = true;
        if (seenExp && !seenExpDigit)
            throwException("Exponent value missing");
        String number = this.expression.substring(startPosition, this.position);
        if (this.position < this.expression.length() && '[' == this.expression.charAt(this.position))
            startPosition = this.position;
            while (this.position < this.expression.length())
                char c = this.expression.charAt(this.position);
                if (']' == c)
                    String unit = this.expression.substring(startPosition, this.position++);
                    DoubleScalar<?, ?> result = null;
                    if (null != this.userSuppliedUnitParser)
                        result = this.userSuppliedUnitParser.parseUnit(Double.parseDouble(number), unit);
                    if (null == result)
                        result = SIScalar.valueOf(number + " " + unit);
                    return result;
                if ((!Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) && '-' != c && '^' != c && '/' != c && '.' != c)
                    throwException("Bad symbol in SI unit string");
            if (this.position >= this.expression.length())
                throwException("Missing closing bracket (\']\')");
        return SIScalar.valueOf(number); // No unit specified

     * Process a function call, a variable interpolation, or a mathematical, or physical constant. Precondition: this.position
     * points to the first letter of the name of the function, variable, or constant.
     * @return Object; the value of the function, variable, or mathematical or physical constant
    private Object handleFunctionOrVariableOrNamedConstant()
        int startPosition = this.position;
        while (this.position < this.expression.length())
            char c = this.expression.charAt(this.position);
            if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || '.' == c || '_' == c || '@' == c || '#' == c)
        String name = this.expression.substring(startPosition, this.position);
        if (this.position >= this.expression.length() || this.expression.charAt(this.position) != '(')
            // No opening parenthesis; name must be the name of a variable; look it up
            Object result = null == this.retrieveValue ? null : this.retrieveValue.lookup(name);
            if (null == result)
                throwException("Cannot resolve variable " + name);
            // Do not check the type of the result to allow expression that return any kind of object
            return result;
        // At an opening parenthesis. This signals the start of a function call; collect the parameters of the function on the
        // stack and count them
        int argCount = 0;
        while (this.position < this.expression.length() && ')' != this.expression.charAt(this.position))
            if (this.position < this.expression.length() && ',' == this.expression.charAt(this.position))
        if (this.position >= this.expression.length() || ')' != this.expression.charAt(this.position))
            throwException("Missing closing parenthesis");
        this.position++; // step over the closing parenthesis
        Function f = null;
        if (null != this.userDefinedFunctions)
            f = this.userDefinedFunctions.get(name);
        if (null == f)
            f = this.functionData.get(name);
        if (null == f)
            throwException("Unknown function " + name);
        Object[] args = new Object[argCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
            args[argCount - i - 1] = pop();
        if (f.getMetaData() != MetaData.NO_META_DATA)
            // MetaData.verifyComposition does not handle this case correctly.
            int argsNeeded = f.getMetaData().getObjectDescriptors().length;
            if (argsNeeded != argCount)
                throwException(name + " needs " + argsNeeded + " parameter" + (argsNeeded == 1 ? "" : "s") + " (got " + argCount
                        + ")");
            for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
                if ((args[i] instanceof Boolean) && (!Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getMetaData().getObjectClass(i))))
                    throwException(name + " does not take " + args[i] + " as parameter " + i);
                else if ((args[i] instanceof DoubleScalar)
                        && (DoubleScalar.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getMetaData().getObjectClass(i))))
                    DoubleScalar<?, ?> ds = (DoubleScalar<?, ?>) args[i];
                    Class<?> clazz = f.getMetaData().getObjectClass(i);
                    if (!clazz.equals(DoubleScalarRel.class))
                        SIDimensions siDimensions = this.siDimensionsMap.get(clazz);
                        if (null == siDimensions)
                            // Not in the cache
                                Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("ZERO"); // Every DoubleScalar type has this
                                DoubleScalar<?, ?> zero = (DoubleScalar<?, ?>) field.get(clazz);
                                siDimensions = zero.getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions();
                                this.siDimensionsMap.put(clazz, siDimensions); // Add this one to our map
                            catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException nsfe)
                                throwException("ERROR: Cannot determine quantity for " + clazz.getCanonicalName());
                        if (!siDimensions.equals(getDimensions(ds)))
                            throwException("parameter " + i + " of " + name + " has incompatible quantity");
                    throwException("Argument " + i + " of function " + name + " is of an unhandled type (" + args[i] + ")");
        // All parameters are apparently compatible; invoke the function
        return (f.function(args));

     * Push one object onto the evaluation stack.
     * @param object Object; the object to push onto the evaluation stack
    private void push(final Object object)

     * Pop one object from the evaluation stack. Throw exception when stack underflows
     * @return Object; the object popped from the evaluation stack
     * @throws RuntimeException when the stack is currently empty
    private Object pop() throws RuntimeException
        if (this.stack.isEmpty())
            throwException("Stack empty");
        return (this.stack.remove(this.stack.size() - 1));

     * Convert an object to a Dimensionless if possible, or complain.
     * @param functionData Function; meta data of the function that wants a Dimensionless
     * @param object Object; object that supposedly can be converted to a Dimensionless
     * @return Dimensionless; the result
    private Dimensionless checkDimensionless(final Function functionData, final Object object)
        if (!(object instanceof DoubleScalar))
            throwException("Function " + functionData.getId() + " cannot be applied to " + object);
        DoubleScalar<?, ?> ds = (DoubleScalar<?, ?>) object;
        if (!getDimensions(ds).equals(getDimensions(DimensionlessUnit.SI)))
            throwException("Function " + functionData.getId() + " cannot be applied to " + ds);
        return new Dimensionless(ds.si, DimensionlessUnit.SI);

     * Retrieve the SIDimensions of a DoubleScalar.
     * @param doubleScalar DoubleScalar&lt;?,?&gt;; the DoubleScalar
     * @return SIDimensions; the SIDimensions object that describes the quantity of the DoubleScalar
    private static SIDimensions getDimensions(final DoubleScalar<?, ?> doubleScalar)
        return doubleScalar.getDisplayUnit().getQuantity().getSiDimensions();

     * Retrieve the SIDimensions of a unit.
     * @param unit Unit&lt;?&gt;; the unit
     * @return SIDimensions; the SIDimensions unit
    private static SIDimensions getDimensions(final Unit<?> unit)
        return unit.getQuantity().getSiDimensions();
