Class TypedMessage

  • public final class TypedMessage
    extends Object
    Message conversions. These take into account the endianness for coding the different values. Java is by default big-endian.

    Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
    BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

    Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers
    • Field Detail


        static final Map<Byte,​Serializer<?>> PRIMITIVE_DATA_DECODERS
        All the converters that decode into primitive data when possible, keyed by prefix.
      • UTF8

        protected static final Charset UTF8
        the UTF-8 charset.
      • UTF16

        protected static final Charset UTF16
        the UTF-16 charset, big endian variant.
    • Method Detail

      • encodeUTF8

        public static byte[] encodeUTF8​(EndianUtil endianUtil,
                                        Object... content)
                                 throws SerializationException
        Encode the object array into a byte[] message. Use UTF8 for the characters and for the String.
        endianUtil - EndianUtil; encoder to use for multi-byte values
        content - Object...; the objects to encode
        the zeroMQ message to send as a byte array
        SerializationException - on unknown data type
      • encodeUTF16

        public static byte[] encodeUTF16​(EndianUtil endianUtil,
                                         Object... content)
                                  throws SerializationException
        Encode the object array into a byte[] message. Use UTF16 for the characters and for the String.
        endianUtil - EndianUtil; encoder for multi-byte values
        content - Object...; the objects to encode
        the zeroMQ message to send as a byte array
        SerializationException - on unknown data type
      • findEncoder

        static Serializer<?> findEncoder​(boolean utf8,
                                         Object object)
                                  throws SerializationException
        Find the serializer for one object.
        utf8 - boolean; if true; use UTF8 encoding for characters and Strings; if false; use UTF16 encoding for characters and Strings
        object - Object; the object for which the serializer must be returned
        Serializer; the serializer needed for object
        SerializationException - when there is no known serializer for object
      • buildEncoderList

        static Serializer<?>[] buildEncoderList​(boolean utf8,
                                                Object... content)
                                         throws SerializationException
        Build the list of serializers corresponding to the data in an Object array.
        utf8 - boolean; if true; use UTF8 encoding for characters and Strings; if false; use UTF16 encoding for characters and Strings
        content - Object...; the objects for which the serializers must be returned
        Serializer[]; array filled with the serializers needed for the objects in the Object array
        SerializationException - when an object in content cannot be serialized
      • decodeToPrimitiveDataTypes

        public static Object[] decodeToPrimitiveDataTypes​(byte[] buffer,
                                                          EndianUtil endianUtil)
                                                   throws SerializationException
        Decode the message into an object array, constructing Java Primitive data arrays and matrices where possible.
        buffer - byte[]; the byte array to decode
        endianUtil - EndianUtil; decoder for multi-byte values
        an array of objects of the right type
        SerializationException - on unknown data type
      • decodeToObjectDataTypes

        public static Object[] decodeToObjectDataTypes​(byte[] buffer,
                                                       EndianUtil endianUtil)
                                                throws SerializationException
        Decode the message into an object array, constructing Java Object arrays and matrices where possible.
        buffer - byte[]; the byte array to decode
        endianUtil - EndianUtil; decoder for multi-byte values
        an array of objects of the right type
        SerializationException - on unknown data type
      • decode

        public static Object[] decode​(byte[] buffer,
                                      Map<Byte,​Serializer<?>> decoderMap,
                                      EndianUtil endianUtil)
                               throws SerializationException
        Decode the message into an object array.
        buffer - byte[]; the byte array to decode
        decoderMap - Map<Byte, Serializer<?>>; the map with decoders to use
        endianUtil - EndianUtil; decoder for multi-byte values
        an array of objects of the right type
        SerializationException - on unknown data type
      • getUnit

        public static <U extends org.djunits.unit.Unit<U>> U getUnit​(byte[] buffer,
                                                                     Pointer pointer,
                                                                     EndianUtil endianUtil)
        Retrieve and decode a DJUNITS unit.
        Type Parameters:
        U - the unit type
        buffer - byte[]; the encoded data
        pointer - Pointer; position in the encoded data where the unit is to be decoded from
        endianUtil - EndianUtil; decoder for multi-byte values
        U; decoded Unit