package org.djutils.draw.line;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.djutils.draw.DrawRuntimeException;
import org.djutils.draw.Transform2d;
import org.djutils.draw.point.Point2d;
import org.djutils.draw.point.Point3d;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
* Generation of Bézier curves. <br>
* The class implements the cubic(...) method to generate a cubic Bézier curve using the following formula: B(t) = (1 -
* t)<sup>3</sup>P<sub>0</sub> + 3t(1 - t)<sup>2</sup> P<sub>1</sub> + 3t<sup>2</sup> (1 - t) P<sub>2</sub> + t<sup>3</sup>
* P<sub>3</sub> where P<sub>0</sub> and P<sub>3</sub> are the end points, and P<sub>1</sub> and P<sub>2</sub> the control
* points. <br>
* For a smooth movement, one of the standard implementations if the cubic(...) function offered is the case where P<sub>1</sub>
* is positioned halfway between P<sub>0</sub> and P<sub>3</sub> starting from P<sub>0</sub> in the direction of P<sub>3</sub>,
* and P<sub>2</sub> is positioned halfway between P<sub>3</sub> and P<sub>0</sub> starting from P<sub>3</sub> in the direction
* of P<sub>0</sub>.<br>
* Finally, an n-point generalization of the Bézier curve is implemented with the bezier(...) function.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
* BSD-style license. See <a href="">OpenTrafficSim License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public final class Bezier
/** The default number of points to use to construct a Bézier curve. */
public static final int DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE = 64;
/** Cached factorial values. */
private static long[] fact = new long[] {1L, 1L, 2L, 6L, 24L, 120L, 720L, 5040L, 40320L, 362880L, 3628800L, 39916800L,
479001600L, 6227020800L, 87178291200L, 1307674368000L, 20922789888000L, 355687428096000L, 6402373705728000L,
121645100408832000L, 2432902008176640000L};
/** Utility class. */
private Bezier()
// do not instantiate
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two control points.
* @param size int; the number of points of the Bézier curve
* @param start Point2d; the start point of the Bézier curve
* @param control1 Point2d; the first control point
* @param control2 Point2d; the second control point
* @param end Point2d; the end point of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the two provided control
* points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final int size, final Point2d start, final Point2d control1, final Point2d control2,
final Point2d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(size < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "Too few points (specified %d; minimum is 2)", size);
Point2d[] points = new Point2d[size];
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
double t = n / (size - 1.0);
double x = B3(t, start.x, control1.x, control2.x, end.x);
double y = B3(t, start.y, control1.y, control2.y, end.y);
points[n] = new Point2d(x, y);
return new PolyLine2d(points);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two control points with a specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Point2d; the start point of the Bézier curve
* @param control1 Point2d; the first control point
* @param control2 Point2d; the second control point
* @param end Point2d; the end point of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the two provided control
* points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2, or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final double epsilon, final Point2d start, final Point2d control1, final Point2d control2,
final Point2d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return bezier(epsilon, start, control1, control2, end);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end.
* @param size int; the number of points of the Bézier curve
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the directions of those
* points at start and end
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final int size, final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return cubic(size, start, end, 1.0);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end with specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the directions of those
* points at start and end
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final double epsilon, final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return cubic(epsilon, start, end, 1.0);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0 and finite
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the directions of those
* points at start and end
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final int size, final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end, final double shape)
throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(shape) || Double.isInfinite(shape) || shape <= 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"shape must be a finite, positive value");
return cubic(size, start, end, shape, false);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end with specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0 and finite
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the directions of those
* points at start and end
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final double epsilon, final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end, final double shape)
throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(shape) || Double.isInfinite(shape) || shape <= 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"shape must be a finite, positive value");
return cubic(epsilon, start, end, shape, false);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0, finite and not NaN
* @param weighted boolean; control point distance relates to distance to projected point on extended line from other end
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two determined
* control points
* @throws NullPointerException when start or end is null
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case size is less than 2, start is at the same location as end, shape is invalid, or the
* Bézier curve could not be constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final int size, final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end, final double shape,
final boolean weighted) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Point2d[] points = createControlPoints(start, end, shape, weighted);
return cubic(size, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end with specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0, finite and not NaN
* @param weighted boolean; control point distance relates to distance to projected point on extended line from other end
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two determined
* control points
* @throws NullPointerException when start or end is null
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case size is less than 2, start is at the same location as end, shape is invalid
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final double epsilon, final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end, final double shape,
final boolean weighted) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Point2d[] points = createControlPoints(start, end, shape, weighted);
return cubic(epsilon, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
/** Unit vector for transformations in createControlPoints. */
private static final Point2d UNIT_VECTOR2D = new Point2d(1, 0);
* Create control points for a cubic Bézier curve defined by two Rays.
* @param start Ray2d; the start point (and direction)
* @param end Ray2d; the end point (and direction)
* @param shape double; the shape; higher values put the generated control points further away from end and result in a
* pointier Bézier curve
* @param weighted boolean;
* @return Point2d[]; an array of four Point2d elements: start, the first control point, the second control point, end.
* @throws DrawRuntimeException when shape is invalid
private static Point2d[] createControlPoints(final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end, final double shape, final boolean weighted)
throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.whenNull(start, "start");
Throw.whenNull(end, "end");
Throw.when(start.distanceSquared(end) == 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"Cannot create control points if start and end points coincide");
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(shape) || shape <= 0 || Double.isInfinite(shape), DrawRuntimeException.class,
"shape must be a finite, positive value");
Point2d control1;
Point2d control2;
if (weighted)
// each control point is 'w' * the distance between the end-points away from the respective end point
// 'w' is a weight given by the distance from the end point to the extended line of the other end point
double distance = shape * start.distance(end);
double dStart = start.distance(end.projectOrthogonalExtended(start));
double dEnd = end.distance(start.projectOrthogonalExtended(end));
double wStart = dStart / (dStart + dEnd);
double wEnd = dEnd / (dStart + dEnd);
control1 = new Transform2d().translate(start).rotation(start.dirZ).scale(distance * wStart, distance * wStart)
// - (minus) as the angle is where the line leaves, i.e. from shape point to end
control2 = new Transform2d().translate(end).rotation(end.dirZ + Math.PI).scale(distance * wEnd, distance * wEnd)
// each control point is half the distance between the end-points away from the respective end point
double distance = shape * start.distance(end) / 2.0;
control1 = start.getLocation(distance);
// new Transform2d().translate(start).rotation(start.phi).scale(distance, distance).transform(UNIT_VECTOR2D);
control2 = end.getLocationExtended(-distance);
// new Transform2d().translate(end).rotation(end.phi + Math.PI).scale(distance, distance).transform(UNIT_VECTOR2D);
return new Point2d[] {start, control1, control2, end};
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end. The size of the constructed curve is <code>DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE</code>.
* @param start Ray2d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray2d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, following the directions of
* those points at start and end
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d cubic(final Ray2d start, final Ray2d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return cubic(DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE, start, end);
* Approximate a Bézier curve of degree n.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve to be constructed
* @param points Point2d...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate
* ones are control points. There should be at least two points.
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the provided control
* points
* @throws NullPointerException when points contains a null
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2, size is less than 2, or the Bézier curve
* could not be constructed
public static PolyLine2d bezier(final int size, final Point2d... points) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(points.length < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "Too few points; need at least two");
Throw.when(size < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "size too small (must be at least 2)");
Point2d[] result = new Point2d[size];
double[] px = new double[points.length];
double[] py = new double[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
Point2d p = points[i];
Throw.whenNull(p, "points may not contain a null value");
px[i] = p.x;
py[i] = p.y;
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
double t = n / (size - 1.0);
double x = Bn(t, px);
double y = Bn(t, py);
result[n] = new Point2d(x, y);
return new PolyLine2d(result);
* Approximate a Bézier curve of degree n using <code>DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE</code> points.
* @param points Point2d...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate
* ones are control points. There should be at least two points.
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, using the provided control
* points
* @throws NullPointerException when points contains a null value
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d bezier(final Point2d... points) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
return bezier(DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE, points);
* Approximate a Bézier curve of degree n with a specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param points Point2d...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate
* ones are control points. There should be at least two points.
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the provided control
* points
* @throws NullPointerException when points contains a null value
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine2d bezier(final double epsilon, final Point2d... points)
throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(points.length < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "Too few points; need at least two");
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(epsilon) || epsilon <= 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"epsilonPosition must be a positive number");
if (points.length == 2)
return new PolyLine2d(points[0], points[1]);
NavigableMap<Double, Point2d> result = new TreeMap<>();
double[] px = new double[points.length];
double[] py = new double[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
Point2d p = points[i];
Throw.whenNull(p, "points may not contain a null value");
px[i] = p.x;
py[i] = p.y;
int initialSize = points.length - 1;
for (int n = 0; n < initialSize; n++)
double t = n / (initialSize - 1.0);
double x = Bn(t, px);
double y = Bn(t, py);
result.put(t, new Point2d(x, y));
// Walk along all point pairs and see if additional points need to be inserted
Double prevT = result.firstKey();
Point2d prevPoint = result.get(prevT);
Map.Entry<Double, Point2d> entry;
while ((entry = result.higherEntry(prevT)) != null)
Double nextT = entry.getKey();
Point2d nextPoint = entry.getValue();
double medianT = (prevT + nextT) / 2;
double x = Bn(medianT, px);
double y = Bn(medianT, py);
Point2d medianPoint = new Point2d(x, y);
Point2d projectedPoint = medianPoint.closestPointOnSegment(prevPoint, nextPoint);
double errorPosition = medianPoint.distance(projectedPoint);
if (errorPosition >= epsilon)
// We need to insert another point
result.put(medianT, medianPoint);
if (prevPoint.distance(nextPoint) > epsilon)
// Check for an inflection point by creating additional points at one quarter and three quarters. If these
// are on opposite sides of the line from prevPoint to nextPoint; there must be an inflection point.
double quarterT = (prevT + medianT) / 2;
double quarterX = Bn(quarterT, px);
double quarterY = Bn(quarterT, py);
int sign1 = (int) Math.signum((nextPoint.x - prevPoint.x) * (quarterY - prevPoint.y)
- (nextPoint.y - prevPoint.y) * (quarterX - prevPoint.x));
double threeQuarterT = (nextT + medianT) / 2;
double threeQuarterX = Bn(threeQuarterT, px);
double threeQuarterY = Bn(threeQuarterT, py);
int sign2 = (int) Math.signum((nextPoint.x - prevPoint.x) * (threeQuarterY - prevPoint.y)
- (nextPoint.y - prevPoint.y) * (threeQuarterX - prevPoint.x));
if (sign1 != sign2)
// There is an inflection point
// System.out.println("Detected inflection point between " + prevPoint + " and " + nextPoint);
// Inserting the halfway point should take care of this
result.put(medianT, medianPoint);
// TODO check angles
prevT = nextT;
prevPoint = nextPoint;
return new PolyLine2d(result.values().iterator());
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two control points.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve
* @param start Point3d; the start point of the Bézier curve
* @param control1 Point3d; the first control point
* @param control2 Point3d; the second control point
* @param end Point3d; the end point of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine3d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two provided control
* points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final int size, final Point3d start, final Point3d control1, final Point3d control2,
final Point3d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return bezier(size, start, control1, control2, end);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two control points with a specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Point3d; the start point of the Bézier curve
* @param control1 Point3d; the first control point
* @param control2 Point3d; the second control point
* @param end Point3d; the end point of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine3d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two provided control
* points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final double epsilon, final Point3d start, final Point3d control1, final Point3d control2,
final Point3d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return bezier(epsilon, start, control1, control2, end);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two provided control
* points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final int size, final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return cubic(size, start, end, 1.0);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end with specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @return PolyLine2d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two provided control
* points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final double epsilon, final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return cubic(epsilon, start, end, 1.0);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0 and finite
* @return a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two determined control points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final int size, final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end, final double shape)
throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(shape) || Double.isInfinite(shape) || shape <= 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"shape must be a finite, positive value");
return cubic(size, start, end, shape, false);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end with specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0 and finite
* @return a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two determined control points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final double epsilon, final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end, final double shape)
throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(shape) || Double.isInfinite(shape) || shape <= 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"shape must be a finite, positive value");
return cubic(epsilon, start, end, shape, false);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end. The z-value is interpolated in a linear way.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0
* @param weighted boolean; control point distance relates to distance to projected point on extended line from other end
* @return a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two determined control points
* @throws NullPointerException when start or end is null
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case size is less than 2, start is at the same location as end, shape is invalid, or the
* Bézier curve could not be constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final int size, final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end, final double shape,
final boolean weighted) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Point3d[] points = createControlPoints(start, end, shape, weighted);
return cubic(size, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
* Approximate a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end with specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and start direction of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and end direction of the Bézier curve
* @param shape shape factor; 1 = control points at half the distance between start and end, > 1 results in a pointier
* shape, < 1 results in a flatter shape, value should be above 0, finite and not NaN
* @param weighted boolean; control point distance relates to distance to projected point on extended line from other end
* @return PolyLine3d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two determined
* control points
* @throws NullPointerException when start or end is null
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case size is less than 2, start is at the same location as end, shape is invalid, or the
* Bézier curve could not be constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final double epsilon, final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end, final double shape,
final boolean weighted) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Point3d[] points = createControlPoints(start, end, shape, weighted);
return cubic(epsilon, points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
* Create control points for a cubic Bézier curve defined by two Rays.
* @param start Ray3d; the start point (and direction)
* @param end Ray3d; the end point (and direction)
* @param shape double; the shape; higher values put the generated control points further away from end and result in a
* pointier Bézier curve
* @param weighted boolean;
* @return Point3d[]; an array of four Point3d elements: start, the first control point, the second control point, end.
private static Point3d[] createControlPoints(final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end, final double shape, final boolean weighted)
Throw.whenNull(start, "start");
Throw.whenNull(end, "end");
Throw.when(start.distanceSquared(end) == 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"Cannot create control points if start and end points coincide");
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(shape) || shape <= 0 || Double.isInfinite(shape), DrawRuntimeException.class,
"shape must be a finite, positive value");
Point3d control1;
Point3d control2;
if (weighted)
// each control point is 'w' * the distance between the end-points away from the respective end point
// 'w' is a weight given by the distance from the end point to the extended line of the other end point
double distance = shape * start.distance(end);
double dStart = start.distance(end.projectOrthogonalExtended(start));
double dEnd = end.distance(start.projectOrthogonalExtended(end));
double wStart = dStart / (dStart + dEnd);
double wEnd = dEnd / (dStart + dEnd);
control1 = start.getLocation(distance * wStart);
control2 = end.getLocationExtended(-distance * wEnd);
// each control point is half the distance between the end-points away from the respective end point
double distance = shape * start.distance(end) / 2.0;
control1 = start.getLocation(distance);
control2 = end.getLocationExtended(-distance);
return new Point3d[] {start, control1, control2, end};
* Construct a cubic Bézier curve from start to end with two generated control points at half the distance between
* start and end. The z-value is interpolated in a linear way. The size of the constructed curve is
* <code>DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE</code>.
* @param start Ray3d; the start point and orientation of the Bézier curve
* @param end Ray3d; the end point and orientation of the Bézier curve
* @return a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the two provided control points
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d cubic(final Ray3d start, final Ray3d end) throws DrawRuntimeException
return cubic(DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE, start, end);
* Calculate the cubic Bézier point with B(t) = (1 - t)<sup>3</sup>P<sub>0</sub> + 3t(1 - t)<sup>2</sup>
* P<sub>1</sub> + 3t<sup>2</sup> (1 - t) P<sub>2</sub> + t<sup>3</sup> P<sub>3</sub>.
* @param t double; the fraction
* @param p0 double; the first point of the curve
* @param p1 double; the first control point
* @param p2 double; the second control point
* @param p3 double; the end point of the curve
* @return the cubic bezier value B(t)
private static double B3(final double t, final double p0, final double p1, final double p2, final double p3)
double t2 = t * t;
double t3 = t2 * t;
double m = (1.0 - t);
double m2 = m * m;
double m3 = m2 * m;
return m3 * p0 + 3.0 * t * m2 * p1 + 3.0 * t2 * m * p2 + t3 * p3;
* Construct a Bézier curve of degree n.
* @param size int; the number of points for the Bézier curve to be constructed
* @param points Point3d...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate
* ones are control points. There should be at least two points.
* @return the Bézier value B(t) of degree n, where n is the number of points in the array
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d bezier(final int size, final Point3d... points) throws DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(points.length < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "Too few points; need at least two");
Throw.when(size < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "size too small (must be at least 2)");
Point3d[] result = new Point3d[size];
double[] px = new double[points.length];
double[] py = new double[points.length];
double[] pz = new double[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
px[i] = points[i].x;
py[i] = points[i].y;
pz[i] = points[i].z;
for (int n = 0; n < size; n++)
double t = n / (size - 1.0);
double x = Bn(t, px);
double y = Bn(t, py);
double z = Bn(t, pz);
result[n] = new Point3d(x, y, z);
return new PolyLine3d(result);
* Approximate a Bézier curve of degree n using <code>DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE</code> points.
* @param points Point3d...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate
* ones are control points. There should be at least two points.
* @return the Bézier value B(t) of degree n, where n is the number of points in the array
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d bezier(final Point3d... points) throws DrawRuntimeException
return bezier(DEFAULT_BEZIER_SIZE, points);
* Approximate a Bézier curve of degree n with a specified precision.
* @param epsilon double; the precision.
* @param points Point3d...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate
* ones are control points. There should be at least two points.
* @return PolyLine3d; an approximation of a cubic Bézier curve between start and end, with the provided control
* points
* @throws NullPointerException when points contains a null value
* @throws DrawRuntimeException in case the number of points is less than 2 or the Bézier curve could not be
* constructed
public static PolyLine3d bezier(final double epsilon, final Point3d... points)
throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException
Throw.when(points.length < 2, DrawRuntimeException.class, "Too few points; need at least two");
Throw.when(Double.isNaN(epsilon) || epsilon <= 0, DrawRuntimeException.class,
"epsilonPosition must be a positive number");
if (points.length == 2)
return new PolyLine3d(points[0], points[1]);
NavigableMap<Double, Point3d> result = new TreeMap<>();
double[] px = new double[points.length];
double[] py = new double[points.length];
double[] pz = new double[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
Point3d p = points[i];
Throw.whenNull(p, "points may not contain a null value");
px[i] = p.x;
py[i] = p.y;
pz[i] = p.z;
int initialSize = points.length - 1;
for (int n = 0; n < initialSize; n++)
double t = n / (initialSize - 1.0);
double x = Bn(t, px);
double y = Bn(t, py);
double z = Bn(t, pz);
result.put(t, new Point3d(x, y, z));
// Walk along all point pairs and see if additional points need to be inserted
Double prevT = result.firstKey();
Point3d prevPoint = result.get(prevT);
Map.Entry<Double, Point3d> entry;
while ((entry = result.higherEntry(prevT)) != null)
Double nextT = entry.getKey();
Point3d nextPoint = entry.getValue();
double medianT = (prevT + nextT) / 2;
double x = Bn(medianT, px);
double y = Bn(medianT, py);
double z = Bn(medianT, pz);
Point3d medianPoint = new Point3d(x, y, z);
Point3d projectedPoint = medianPoint.closestPointOnSegment(prevPoint, nextPoint);
double errorPosition = medianPoint.distance(projectedPoint);
if (errorPosition >= epsilon)
// We need to insert another point
result.put(medianT, medianPoint);
if (prevPoint.distance(nextPoint) > epsilon)
// Check for an inflection point by creating additional points at one quarter and three quarters. If these
// are on opposite sides of the line from prevPoint to nextPoint; there must be an inflection point.
double quarterT = (prevT + medianT) / 2;
double quarterX = Bn(quarterT, px);
double quarterY = Bn(quarterT, py);
int sign1 = (int) Math.signum((nextPoint.x - prevPoint.x) * (quarterY - prevPoint.y)
- (nextPoint.y - prevPoint.y) * (quarterX - prevPoint.x));
double threeQuarterT = (nextT + medianT) / 2;
double threeQuarterX = Bn(threeQuarterT, px);
double threeQuarterY = Bn(threeQuarterT, py);
int sign2 = (int) Math.signum((nextPoint.x - prevPoint.x) * (threeQuarterY - prevPoint.y)
- (nextPoint.y - prevPoint.y) * (threeQuarterX - prevPoint.x));
if (sign1 != sign2)
// There is an inflection point
System.out.println("Detected inflection point between " + prevPoint + " and " + nextPoint);
// Inserting the halfway point should take care of this
result.put(medianT, medianPoint);
// TODO check angles
prevT = nextT;
prevPoint = nextPoint;
return new PolyLine3d(result.values().iterator());
* Calculate the Bézier point of degree n, with B(t) = Sum(i = 0..n) [C(n, i) * (1 - t)<sup>n-i</sup> t<sup>i</sup>
* P<sub>i</sub>], where C(n, k) is the binomial coefficient defined by n! / ( k! (n-k)! ), ! being the factorial operator.
* @param t double; the fraction
* @param p double...; the points of the curve, where the first and last are begin and end point, and the intermediate ones
* are control points
* @return the Bézier value B(t) of degree n, where n is the number of points in the array
private static double Bn(final double t, final double... p)
double b = 0.0;
double m = (1.0 - t);
int n = p.length - 1;
double fn = factorial(n);
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
double c = fn / (factorial(i) * (factorial(n - i)));
b += c * Math.pow(m, n - i) * Math.pow(t, i) * p[i];
return b;
* Calculate factorial(k), which is k * (k-1) * (k-2) * ... * 1. For factorials up to 20, a lookup table is used.
* @param k int; the parameter
* @return factorial(k)
private static double factorial(final int k)
if (k < fact.length)
return fact[k];
double f = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= k; i++)
f = f * i;
return f;