Class XmlData


public final class XmlData extends Object
XmlData takes care of reading and writing of table data in XML format. The reader and writer use a streaming API to avoid excessive memory use. The class can be used, e.g., as follows:
 Table dataTable = new ListTable("data", "dataTable", columns);
 Writer writer = new FileWriter("c:/data/data.xml");
 XmlData.writeData(writer, dataTable);
The XML document has the following structure:
   <table id="tableId" description="description" class="">
     <column nr="0" id="obsNr" description="observation nr" type="int"></column>
     <column nr="1" id="value" description="observation value" type="double"></column>
     <column nr="2" id="comment" description="comment" type="java.lang.String"></column>
     <record index="0">
       <value nr="0" content="2"></value>
       <value nr="1" content="18.6"></value>
       <value nr="2" content="normal"></value>
     <record index="1">
       <value nr="0" content="4"></value>
       <value nr="1" content="36.18"></value>
       <value nr="2" content="normal"></value>

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Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel