Class CsvData


public final class CsvData extends Object
CsvData takes care of reading and writing of table data in CSV format. The class can be used, e.g., as follows:
 Table Table = new ListTable("data", "Table", columns);
 Writer writer = new FileWriter("c:/data/data.csv");
 Writer metaWriter = new FileWriter("c:/data/data.meta.csv");
 CsvData.writeData(writer, metaWriter, Table);

Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See DJUTILS License.

Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
  • Method Details

    • writeData

      public static void writeData(Writer writer, Writer metaWriter, Table table, char separator, char quotechar, de.siegmar.fastcsv.writer.LineDelimiter lineDelimiter) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Write the data from the data table in CSV format. The writer writes the data, whereas the metaWriter writes the metadata. The metadata consists of a CSV file with three columns: the id, the description, and the class. The first row after the header contains the id, description, and class of the data table itself. The second and further rows contain information about the columns of the data table.
      writer - Writer; the writer that writes the data, e.g. to a file
      metaWriter - Writer; the writer for the metadata
      table - Table; the data table to write
      separator - char; the delimiter to use for separating entries
      quotechar - char; the character to use for quoted elements
      lineDelimiter - String; the line terminator to use, can be LineDelimiter.CR, LF, CRLF or PLATFORM
      IOException - on I/O error when writing the data
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • writeZippedData

      public static void writeZippedData( writer, String csvName, String metaName, Table table, char separator, char quotechar, de.siegmar.fastcsv.writer.LineDelimiter lineDelimiter) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Write the data from the data table in CSV format. The data file and meta data file are zipped. The metadata consists of a CSV file with three columns: the id, the description, and the class. The first row after the header contains the id, description, and class of the data table itself. The second and further rows contain information about the columns of the data table.
      writer - Writer; the writer that writes the data, e.g. to a file
      csvName - String; name of the csv file within the zip file
      metaName - String; name of the meta data file within the zip file
      table - Table; the data table to write
      separator - char; the delimiter to use for separating entries
      quotechar - char; the character to use for quoted elements
      lineDelimiter - String; the line terminator to use, can be LineDelimiter.CR, LF, CRLF or PLATFORM
      IOException - on I/O error when writing the data
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • writeZippedData

      public static void writeZippedData( writer, String csvName, String metaName, Table table) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Write the data from the data table in CSV format. The data file and meta data file are zipped. The metadata consists of a CSV file with three columns: the id, the description, and the class. The first row after the header contains the id, description, and class of the data table itself. The second and further rows contain information about the columns of the data table.
      writer - Writer; the writer that writes the data, e.g. to a file
      csvName - String; name of the CSV file within the zip file
      metaName - String; name of the meta data file within the zip file
      table - Table; the data table to write
      IOException - on I/O error when writing the data
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • writeData

      public static void writeData(Writer writer, Writer metaWriter, Table table) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Write the data from the data table in CSV format. The writer writes the data, whereas the metaWriter writes the metadata. The metadata consists of a CSV file with three columns: the id, the description, and the class. The first row after the header contains the id, description, and class of the data table itself. The second and further rows contain information about the columns of the data table. The line ending used will be CRLF which is RFC 4180 compliant.
      writer - Writer; the writer that writes the data, e.g. to a file
      metaWriter - Writer; the writer for the metadata
      table - Table; the data table to write
      IOException - on I/O error when writing the data
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • writeData

      public static void writeData(String filename, String metaFilename, Table table) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Write the data from the data table in CSV format.
      filename - String; the file name to write the data to
      metaFilename - String; the file name to write the metadata to
      table - Table; the data table to write
      IOException - on I/O error when writing the data
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • readData

      public static Table readData(Reader reader, Reader metaReader, char separator, char quotechar) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Read the data from the CSV-file into the data table. Use the metadata to reconstruct the data table.
      reader - Reader; the reader that can read the data, e.g. from a file
      metaReader - Reader; the writer for the metadata
      separator - char; the delimiter to use for separating entries
      quotechar - char; the character to use for quoted elements
      Table the data table reconstructed from the meta data and filled with the data
      IOException - when the CSV data was not formatted right
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • readData

      public static Table readData(Reader reader, Reader metaReader) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Read the data from the CSV-file into the data table. Use the metadata to reconstruct the data table.
      reader - Reader; the reader that can read the data, e.g. from a file
      metaReader - Reader; the writer for the metadata
      Table the data table reconstructed from the meta data and filled with the data
      IOException - when the CSV data was not formatted right
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • readData

      public static Table readData(String filename, String metaFilename) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Read the data from the CSV-file into the data table. Use the metadata to reconstruct the data table.
      filename - String; the file name to read the data from
      metaFilename - String; the file name to read the metadata from
      Table the data table reconstructed from the meta data and filled with the data
      IOException - when the CSV data was not formatted right
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • readZippedData

      public static Table readZippedData(String fileName, String csvName, String metaName) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Read the data from a CSV-file inside a zip file. The metadata file should be in the same zipfile. Use the metadata to reconstruct the data table.
      fileName - String; file name of the zip file
      csvName - String; name of the CSV-file, without path
      metaName - String; name of the metadata file, without path
      Table the data table reconstructed from the meta data and filled with the data
      IOException - when the CSV data was not formatted right
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization
    • readZippedData

      public static Table readZippedData(String fileName, String csvName, String metaName, char separator, char quotechar) throws IOException, TextSerializationException
      Read the data from a CSV-file inside a zip file. The metadata file should be in the same zipfile. Use the metadata to reconstruct the data table.
      fileName - String; file name of the zip file
      csvName - String; name of the CSV-file, without path
      metaName - String; name of the metadata file, without path
      separator - char; the delimiter to use for separating entries
      quotechar - char; the character to use for quoted elements
      Table the data table reconstructed from the meta data and filled with the data
      IOException - when the CSV data was not formatted right
      TextSerializationException - on unknown data type for serialization