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1   package org.djutils.draw.line;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.List;
6   import org.djutils.draw.DrawRuntimeException;
7   import org.djutils.draw.Drawable;
8   import org.djutils.draw.point.Point;
10  /**
11   * PolyLine is the interface for PolyLine2d and PolyLine3d implementations.
12   * <p>
13   * Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. <br>
14   * BSD-style license. See <a href="">DJUTILS License</a>.
15   * </p>
16   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
17   * @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
18   * @param <L> the PolyLine type (2d or 3d)
19   * @param <P> The matching Point type (2d or 3d)
20   * @param <R> The matching Ray type (2d or 3d)
21   * @param <LS> The matching LineSegment type (2d or 3d)
22   */
23  public interface PolyLine<L extends PolyLine<L, P, R, LS>, P extends Point<P>, R extends Ray<R, P>,
24          LS extends LineSegment<P, R>> extends Drawable<P>, Project<P>
25  {
26      /**
27       * Constructor that can be accessed as a method (used to implement default methods in this interface).
28       * @param pointList List&lt;P&gt;; a list of points
29       * @return L; the new PolyLine
30       * @throws NullPointerException when pointList is null
31       * @throws DrawRuntimeException when pointList has fewer than two points or contains successive duplicate points
32       */
33      L instantiate(List<P> pointList) throws NullPointerException, DrawRuntimeException;
35      /**
36       * Construct a new PolyLine that is equal to this line except for segments that are shorter than the
37       * <cite>noiseLevel</cite>. The result is guaranteed to start with the first point of this line and end with the last point
38       * of this line.
39       * @param noiseLevel double; the minimum segment length that is <b>not</b> removed
40       * @return PolyLine2d; the filtered line
41       */
42      L noiseFilteredLine(double noiseLevel);
44      /**
45       * Return the length of this line. This is NOT the number of points; it is the sum of the lengths of the segments.
46       * @return double; the length of this line
47       */
48      double getLength();
50      /**
51       * Return one of the points of this line.
52       * @param index int; the index of the requested point
53       * @return P; the point at the specified index
54       * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when index &lt; 0 or index &gt;= size
55       */
56      P get(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
58      /**
59       * Return the x-coordinate of a point of this PolyLine.
60       * @param index int; the index of the requested x-coordinate
61       * @return double; the x-coordinate of the requested point of this PolyLine
62       * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when index &lt; 0 or index &gt;= size()
63       */
64      double getX(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
66      /**
67       * Return the y-coordinate of a point of this PolyLine.
68       * @param index int; the index of the requested y-coordinate
69       * @return double; the y-coordinate of the requested point of this PolyLine
70       * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when index &lt; 0 or index &gt;= size()
71       */
72      double getY(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
74      /**
75       * Return the first point of this PolyLine.
76       * @return P; the first point of this line
77       */
78      default P getFirst()
79      {
80          try
81          {
82              return get(0);
83          }
84          catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
85          {
86              throw new RuntimeException("cannot happen");
87          }
88      }
90      /**
91       * Return the last point of this PolyLine.
92       * @return P; the last point of this line
93       */
94      default P getLast()
95      {
96          try
97          {
98              return get(size() - 1);
99          }
100         catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
101         {
102             throw new RuntimeException("cannot happen");
103         }
104     }
106     /**
107      * Extract one LineSegment of this PolyLine, or Polygon.
108      * @param index int; the rank number of the segment; must be in range 0..Size() - 2 for PolyLine, or 0.. Size() - 1 for
109      *            Polygon.
110      * @return LS; the LineSegment that connects point index to point index + 1
111      */
112     LS getSegment(int index);
114     /**
115      * Access the internal lengthIndexedLine. Return the cumulative length up to point <code>index</code> of this line
116      * @param index int; the index
117      * @return double; the cumulative length of this line up to point <code>index</code>
118      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when index &lt; 0 or index &gt;= size()
119      */
120     double lengthAtIndex(int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
122     /**
123      * Construct a new PolyLine with all points of this PolyLine in reverse order.
124      * @return L; the new PolyLine
125      */
126     default L reverse()
127     {
128         List<P> reversedPoints = new ArrayList<>(size());
129         for (int index = size(); --index >= 0;)
130         {
131             reversedPoints.add(get(index));
132         }
133         return instantiate(reversedPoints);
134     }
136     /**
137      * Construct a new PolyLine covering the indicated fraction of this PolyLine.
138      * @param start double; fractional starting position, valid range [0..<cite>end</cite>)
139      * @param end double; fractional ending position, valid range (<cite>start</cite>..1]
140      * @return L; a new PolyLine covering the selected sub-section
141      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when start &gt;= end, or start &lt; 0, or end &gt; 1
142      */
143     default L extractFractional(final double start, final double end) throws DrawRuntimeException
144     {
145         if (start < 0 || start >= end || end > 1)
146         {
147             throw new DrawRuntimeException(
148                     "Bad interval (start=" + start + ", end=" + end + ", this is " + this.toString() + ")");
149         }
150         return extract(start * getLength(), end * getLength());
151     }
153     /**
154      * Create a new PolyLine that covers a sub-section of this PolyLine.
155      * @param start double; length along this PolyLine where the sub-section starts, valid range [0..<cite>end</cite>)
156      * @param end double; length along this PolyLine where the sub-section ends, valid range
157      *            (<cite>start</cite>..<cite>length</cite> (length is the length of this PolyLine)
158      * @return L; a new PolyLine covering the selected sub-section
159      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when start &gt;= end, or start &lt; 0, or end &gt; length
160      */
161     L extract(double start, double end) throws DrawRuntimeException;
163     /**
164      * Project a Point on this PolyLine. If the the projected points lies outside this PolyLine, the nearest end point of this
165      * PolyLine is returned. Otherwise the returned point lies between the end points of this PolyLine. <br>
166      * @param point P; the point to project onto this PolyLine
167      * @return P; either the start point, or the end point of this PolyLine or a Point that lies somewhere along this PolyLine.
168      * @throws NullPointerException when point is null
169      */
170     P closestPointOnPolyLine(P point) throws NullPointerException;
172     /**
173      * Get the location at a position on the line, with its direction. Position should be between 0.0 and line length.
174      * @param position double; the position on the line for which to calculate the point on the line
175      * @return R; a Ray at the position on the line, pointing in the direction of the line at that position. If the position is
176      *         at (or very near) a point on this PolyLine, the direction is either the direction before, or the direction after
177      *         that point
178      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when position is NaN, less than 0.0, or more than line length.
179      */
180     R getLocation(double position) throws DrawRuntimeException;
182     /**
183      * Get the location at a position on the line, with its direction. Position can be below 0 or more than the line length. In
184      * that case, the position will be extrapolated in the direction of the line at its start or end.
185      * @param position double; the position on the line for which to calculate the point on, before, or after the line
186      * @return R; a Ray at the position on the line, pointing in the direction of the line at that position. If the position is
187      *         at (or very near) a point on this PolyLine, the direction is either the direction before, or the direction after
188      *         that point. If the position is before the start point of this PolyLine, the direction is towards the start point.
189      *         If the position is beyond the end of this PolyLine, the direction is the direction of the last segment of this
190      *         PolyLine.
191      */
192     R getLocationExtended(double position);
194     /**
195      * Get the location at a fraction of the line, with its direction. Fraction should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
196      * @param fraction double; the fraction for which to calculate the point on the line
197      * @return R; a Ray at the position on the line, pointing in the direction of the line at that position. If the position is
198      *         at (or very near) a point on this PolyLine, the direction is either the direction before, or the direction after
199      *         that point
200      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when fraction less than 0.0 or more than 1.0.
201      */
202     default R getLocationFraction(final double fraction) throws DrawRuntimeException
203     {
204         if (fraction < 0.0 || fraction > 1.0)
205         {
206             throw new DrawRuntimeException("getLocationFraction for line: fraction < 0.0 or > 1.0. fraction = " + fraction);
207         }
208         return getLocation(fraction * getLength());
209     }
211     /**
212      * Get the location at a fraction of the line, with its direction. Fraction should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
213      * @param fraction double; the fraction for which to calculate the point on the line
214      * @param tolerance double; the delta from 0.0 and 1.0 that will be forgiven
215      * @return R; a Ray at the position on the line, pointing in the direction of the line at that position. If the position is
216      *         at (or very near) a point on this PolyLine, the direction is either the direction before, or the direction after
217      *         that point. If the position is before the start point of this PolyLine, the direction is towards the start point.
218      *         If the position is beyond the end of this PolyLine, the direction is the direction of the last segment of this
219      *         PolyLine.
220      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when fraction less than 0.0 or more than 1.0.
221      */
222     default R getLocationFraction(final double fraction, final double tolerance) throws DrawRuntimeException
223     {
224         if (fraction < -tolerance || fraction > 1.0 + tolerance)
225         {
226             throw new DrawRuntimeException(
227                     "getLocationFraction for line: fraction < 0.0 - tolerance or > 1.0 + tolerance; fraction = " + fraction);
228         }
229         double f = fraction < 0 ? 0.0 : fraction > 1.0 ? 1.0 : fraction;
230         return getLocation(f * getLength());
231     }
233     /**
234      * Get the location at a fraction of the line (or outside the line), with its direction.
235      * @param fraction double; the fraction for which to calculate the point on the line
236      * @return R; a Ray at the position on the line, pointing in the direction of the line at that position. If the position is
237      *         at (or very near) a point on this PolyLine, the direction is either the direction before, or the direction after
238      *         that point. If the position is before the start point of this PolyLine, the direction is towards the start point.
239      *         If the position is beyond the end of this PolyLine, the direction is the direction of the last segment of this
240      *         PolyLine.
241      */
242     default R getLocationFractionExtended(final double fraction)
243     {
244         return getLocationExtended(fraction * getLength());
245     }
247     /**
248      * Truncate this PolyLine at the given length (less than the length of the line, and larger than zero) and return a new
249      * line.
250      * @param position double; the position along the line where to truncate the line
251      * @return L; a new PolyLine that follows this PolyLine, but ends at the position where line.getLength() == lengthSI
252      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when position less than 0.0 or more than line length.
253      */
254     L truncate(double position) throws DrawRuntimeException;
256     /**
257      * Binary search for a point index on this PolyLine that is at, or the the nearest one before a given position.
258      * @param pos double; the position to look for
259      * @return the index below the position; the position lies between points[index] and points[index+1]
260      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when index could not be found
261      */
262     default int find(final double pos) throws DrawRuntimeException
263     {
264         if (pos == 0)
265         {
266             return 0;
267         }
269         int lo = 0;
270         int hi = size() - 1;
271         while (lo <= hi)
272         {
273             if (hi == lo)
274             {
275                 return lo;
276             }
277             int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
278             if (pos < lengthAtIndex(mid))
279             {
280                 hi = mid - 1;
281             }
282             else if (pos > lengthAtIndex(mid + 1))
283             {
284                 lo = mid + 1;
285             }
286             else
287             {
288                 return mid;
289             }
290         }
291         throw new DrawRuntimeException("Could not find position " + pos + " on line with length: " + getLength());
292     }
294     /**
295      * Convert this PolyLine to something that MS-Excel can plot.
296      * @return String MS-excel XY, or XYZ plottable output
297      */
298     String toExcel();
300     /** Default precision of approximation of arcs in the offsetLine method. */
301     double DEFAULT_CIRCLE_PRECISION = 0.001;
303     /** By default, noise in the reference line of the offsetLine method less than this value is always filtered. */
306     /** By default, noise in the reference line of the offsetLineMethod greater than this value is never filtered. */
309     /**
310      * By default, noise in the reference line of the offsetLineMethod less than <cite>offset / offsetFilterRatio</cite> is
311      * filtered except when the resulting value exceeds <cite>offsetMaximumFilterValue</cite>.
312      */
313     double DEFAULT_OFFSET_FILTER_RATIO = 10;
315     /** By default, the offsetLineMethod uses this offset precision. */
316     double DEFAULT_OFFSET_PRECISION = 0.00001;
318     /**
319      * Construct an offset PolyLine. This is similar to what geographical specialists call buffering, except that this method
320      * only construct a new line on one side of the reference line and does not add half disks (or miters) at the end points.
321      * This method tries to strike a delicate balance between generating too few and too many points to approximate arcs. Noise
322      * in <cite>this</cite> (the reference line) can cause major artifacts in the offset line. This method calls the underlying
323      * method with default values for circlePrecision (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET</cite>), offsetMinimumFilterValue
324      * (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_MINIMUM_FILTER_VALUE</cite>), offsetMaximumFilterValue
325      * (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_MAXIMUM_FILTER_VALUE</cite>), offsetFilterRatio (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_FILTER_RATIO</cite>),
326      * minimumOffset (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_PRECISION</cite>). <br>
327      * In the 3D version the offset is parallel to the X-Y plane.
328      * @param offset double; the offset; positive values indicate left of the reference line, negative values indicate right of
329      *            the reference line
330      * @return L; a PolyLine at the specified offset from the this PolyLine
331      * @throws DrawRuntimeException Only if P is PolyLine3d and the line cannot be projected into 2d
332      */
333     default L offsetLine(final double offset) throws DrawRuntimeException
334     {
337     }
339     /**
340      * Construct an offset line. This is similar to what geographical specialists call buffering, except that this method only
341      * construct a new line on one side of the reference line and does not add half disks (or miters) around the end points.
342      * This method tries to strike a delicate balance between generating too few and too many points to approximate arcs. Noise
343      * in <cite>this</cite> (the reference line) can cause major artifacts in the offset line. <br>
344      * In the 3D version the offset is parallel to the X-Y plane.
345      * @param offset double; the offset; positive values indicate left of the reference line, negative values indicate right of
346      *            the reference line
347      * @param circlePrecision double; precision of approximation of arcs; the line segments that are used to approximate an arc
348      *            will not deviate from the exact arc by more than this value
349      * @param offsetMinimumFilterValue double; noise in the reference line less than this value is always filtered
350      * @param offsetMaximumFilterValue double; noise in the reference line greater than this value is never filtered
351      * @param offsetFilterRatio double; noise in the reference line less than <cite>offset / offsetFilterRatio</cite> is
352      *            filtered except when the resulting value exceeds <cite>offsetMaximumFilterValue</cite>
353      * @param minimumOffset double; an offset value less than this value is treated as 0.0
354      * @return L; a PolyLine at the specified offset from the reference line
355      * @throws IllegalArgumentException when offset is NaN, or circlePrecision, offsetMinimumFilterValue,
356      *             offsetMaximumfilterValue, offsetFilterRatio, or minimumOffset is not positive, or NaN, or
357      *             offsetMinimumFilterValue &gt;= offsetMaximumFilterValue
358      * @throws DrawRuntimeException Only if P is PolyLine3d and the line cannot be projected into 2d
359      */
360     L offsetLine(double offset, double circlePrecision, double offsetMinimumFilterValue, double offsetMaximumFilterValue,
361             double offsetFilterRatio, double minimumOffset) throws IllegalArgumentException, DrawRuntimeException;
363     /**
364      * Construct an offset line. This is similar to what geographical specialists call buffering, except that this method only
365      * construct a new line on one side of the reference line and does not add half disks (or miters) around the end points.
366      * This method tries to strike a delicate balance between generating too few and too many points to approximate arcs. Noise
367      * in <cite>this</cite> (the reference line) can cause major artifacts in the offset line. This method calls the underlying
368      * method with default values for circlePrecision (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET</cite>), offsetMinimumFilterValue
369      * (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_MINIMUM_FILTER_VALUE</cite>), offsetMaximumFilterValue
370      * (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_MAXIMUM_FILTER_VALUE</cite>), offsetFilterRatio (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_FILTER_RATIO</cite>),
371      * minimumOffset (<cite>DEFAULT_OFFSET_PRECISION</cite>). <br>
372      * In the 3D version the offset is parallel to the X-Y plane.
373      * @param offsetAtStart double; the offset at the start of this line; positive values indicate left of the reference line,
374      *            negative values indicate right of the reference line
375      * @param offsetAtEnd double; the offset at the end of this line; positive values indicate left of the reference line,
376      *            negative values indicate right of the reference line
377      * @return L; a PolyLine at the specified offset from the reference line
378      * @throws IllegalArgumentException when offset is NaN, or circlePrecision, offsetMinimumFilterValue,
379      *             offsetMaximumfilterValue, offsetFilterRatio, or minimumOffset is not positive, or NaN, or
380      *             offsetMinimumFilterValue &gt;= offsetMaximumFilterValue
381      * @throws DrawRuntimeException Only if P is PolyLine3d and the line cannot be projected into 2d
382      */
383     default L offsetLine(final double offsetAtStart, final double offsetAtEnd) throws IllegalArgumentException, DrawRuntimeException
384     {
385         return offsetLine(offsetAtStart, offsetAtEnd, DEFAULT_CIRCLE_PRECISION, DEFAULT_OFFSET_MINIMUM_FILTER_VALUE,
387     }
389     /**
390      * Construct an offset line. This is similar to what geographical specialists call buffering, except that this method only
391      * construct a new line on one side of the reference line and does not add half disks (or miters) around the end points.
392      * This method tries to strike a delicate balance between generating too few and too many points to approximate arcs. Noise
393      * in <cite>this</cite> (the reference line) can cause major artifacts in the offset line. <br>
394      * In the 3D version the offset is parallel to the X-Y plane.
395      * @param offsetAtStart double; the offset at the start of this line; positive values indicate left of the reference line,
396      *            negative values indicate right of the reference line
397      * @param offsetAtEnd double; the offset at the end of this line; positive values indicate left of the reference line,
398      *            negative values indicate right of the reference line
399      * @param circlePrecision double; precision of approximation of arcs; the line segments that are used to approximate an arc
400      *            will not deviate from the exact arc by more than this value
401      * @param offsetMinimumFilterValue double; noise in the reference line less than this value is always filtered
402      * @param offsetMaximumFilterValue double; noise in the reference line greater than this value is never filtered
403      * @param offsetFilterRatio double; noise in the reference line less than <cite>offset / offsetFilterRatio</cite> is
404      *            filtered except when the resulting value exceeds <cite>offsetMaximumFilterValue</cite>
405      * @param minimumOffset double; an offset value less than this value is treated as 0.0
406      * @return L; a PolyLine at the specified offset from the reference line
407      * @throws IllegalArgumentException when offset is NaN, or circlePrecision, offsetMinimumFilterValue,
408      *             offsetMaximumfilterValue, offsetFilterRatio, or minimumOffset is not positive, or NaN, or
409      *             offsetMinimumFilterValue &gt;= offsetMaximumFilterValue
410      * @throws DrawRuntimeException Only if P is PolyLine3d and the line cannot be projected into 2d
411      */
412     L offsetLine(double offsetAtStart, double offsetAtEnd, double circlePrecision, double offsetMinimumFilterValue,
413             double offsetMaximumFilterValue, double offsetFilterRatio, double minimumOffset)
414             throws IllegalArgumentException, DrawRuntimeException;
416     /**
417      * Make a transition line from this PolyLine to another PolyLine using a user specified function.
418      * @param endLine L; the other PolyLine
419      * @param transition TransitionFunction; how the results changes from this line to the other line
420      * @return L; a transition between this PolyLine and the other PolyLine
421      * @throws DrawRuntimeException when construction of some point along the way fails. E.g. when the transition function
422      *             returns NaN.
423      */
424     L transitionLine(L endLine, TransitionFunction transition) throws DrawRuntimeException;
426     /**
427      * Interface for transition function.
428      */
429     interface TransitionFunction
430     {
431         /**
432          * Function that returns some value for inputs between 0.0 and 1.0. For a smooth transition, this function should return
433          * 0.0 for input 0.0 and 1.0 for input 1.0 and be continuous and smooth.
434          * @param fraction double; the input for the function
435          * @return double; a ratio between 0.0 and 1.0 (values outside this domain are not an error, but will cause the
436          *         transition line to go outside the range of the reference line and the other line)
437          */
438         double function(double fraction);
439     }
441 }