
package org.djutils.event;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.djutils.event.ref.Reference;
import org.djutils.event.ref.ReferenceType;

 * The EventProducer forms the reference implementation of the EventProducerInterface. Objects extending this class are provided
 * all the functionalities for registration and event firing. The storage of the listeners is done in a Map with the EventType
 * as the key, and a List of References (weak or strong) to the Listeners. The class uses a helper class EventProducerImpl to do
 * the real work, and avoid code duplication.
 * <p>
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2021 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
 * for project information <a href="https://djutils.org" target="_blank"> https://djutils.org</a>. The DJUTILS project is
 * distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
 * <a href="https://djutils.org/docs/license.html" target="_blank"> https://djutils.org/docs/license.html</a>. This class was
 * originally part of the DSOL project, see <a href="https://simulation.tudelft.nl/dsol/manual" target="_blank">
 * https://simulation.tudelft.nl/dsol/manual</a>.
 * </p>
 * @author <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterhmjacobs">Peter Jacobs </a>
 * @author <a href="https://www.tudelft.nl/averbraeck">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
public abstract class EventProducer implements EventProducerInterface, Serializable
    /** The default serial version UID for serializable classes. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20140830L;

    /** The EventProducer helper class with the actual implementation to avoid code duplication. */
    protected final EventProducerImpl eventProducerImpl;

     * Constructs a new EventProducer and checks for duplicate values in event types.
    public EventProducer()
        this.eventProducerImpl = new EventProducerImpl(this);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public abstract Serializable getSourceId(); // without RemoteException

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final synchronized boolean addListener(final EventListenerInterface listener, final EventTypeInterface eventType)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.addListener(listener, eventType);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final synchronized boolean addListener(final EventListenerInterface listener, final EventTypeInterface eventType,
            final ReferenceType referenceType)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.addListener(listener, eventType, referenceType);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final synchronized boolean addListener(final EventListenerInterface listener, final EventTypeInterface eventType,
            final int position)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.addListener(listener, eventType, position);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final synchronized boolean addListener(final EventListenerInterface listener, final EventTypeInterface eventType,
            final int position, final ReferenceType referenceType)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.addListener(listener, eventType, position, referenceType);

     * Remove all the listeners from this event producer.
     * @return int; the number of removed event types
    protected synchronized int removeAllListeners()
        return this.eventProducerImpl.removeAllListeners();

     * Removes all the listeners of a class from this event producer.
     * @param ofClass Class&lt;?&gt;; the class or superclass
     * @return int; the number of removed listeners
    protected synchronized int removeAllListeners(final Class<?> ofClass)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.removeAllListeners(ofClass);


    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public final synchronized boolean removeListener(final EventListenerInterface listener, final EventTypeInterface eventType)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.removeListener(listener, eventType);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public boolean hasListeners()
        return this.eventProducerImpl.hasListeners();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public synchronized int numberOfListeners(final EventTypeInterface eventType)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.numberOfListeners(eventType);

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public synchronized Set<EventTypeInterface> getEventTypesWithListeners()
        return this.eventProducerImpl.getEventTypesWithListeners();

     * Return a safe copy of the list of (strong or weak) references to the registered listeners for the provided event type, or
     * an empty list when nothing is registered for this event type. The method never returns a null pointer, so it is safe to
     * use the result directly in an iterator. The references to the listeners are the original references, so not safe copies.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the event type to look up the listeners for
     * @return List&lt;Reference&lt;EventListenerInterface&gt;&gt;; the list of references to the listeners for this event type,
     *         or an empty list when the event type is not registered
    protected List<Reference<EventListenerInterface>> getListenerReferences(final EventTypeInterface eventType)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.getListenerReferences(eventType);

    /* ********************************************************************************************************* */
    /* ******************** FIREEVENT AND FIRETIMEDEVENT WITH METADATA VERIFICATION ************************** */
    /* ********************************************************************************************************* */

     * Transmit an event to all interested listeners.
     * @param event EventInterface; the event
    protected void fireEvent(final EventInterface event)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(event, true);

     * Transmit a timed event to all interested listeners.
     * @param event TimedEventInterface&lt;C&gt;; the timed event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> void fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventInterface<C> event)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(event, true);

     * Transmit an event with a serializable object as payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value Serializable; the object sent with the event
     * @return Serializable; the payload
    protected Serializable fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final Serializable value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit an event with no payload object to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
    protected void fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a Serializable object (payload) to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event.
     * @param value Serializable; the payload sent with the event
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @return Serializable; the payload
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> Serializable fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final Serializable value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value byte; the payload
     * @return byte; the payload
    protected byte fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final byte value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value byte; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return byte; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> byte fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final byte value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value char; the payload
     * @return char; the payload
    protected char fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final char value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value char; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return char; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> char fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final char value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value boolean; the payload
     * @return boolean; the payload
    protected boolean fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final boolean value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value boolean; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return boolean; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> boolean fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final boolean value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a double value payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value double; the payload
     * @return double; the payload
    protected double fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final double value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a double value payload to interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value double; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return double; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> double fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final double value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value int; the payload
     * @return int; the payload
    protected int fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final int value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value int; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return int; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> int fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final int value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a long payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value long; the payload
     * @return long; the payload
    protected long fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final long value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a long payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value long; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return long; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> long fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final long value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a short payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value short; the payload
     * @return short; the payload
    protected short fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final short value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a short payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value short; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return short; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> short fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final short value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

     * Transmit an event with a float payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value float; the payload
     * @return float; the payload
    protected float fireEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final float value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, true);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event with a float payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value float; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return float; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> float fireTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final float value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, true);

    /* ********************************************************************************************************* */
    /* ******************* FIREEVENT AND FIRETIMEDEVENT WITHOUT METADATA VERIFICATION ************************ */
    /* ********************************************************************************************************* */

     * Transmit an event to all interested listeners.
     * @param event EventInterface; the event
    protected void fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventInterface event)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(event, false);

     * Transmit a timed event to all interested listeners.
     * @param event TimedEventInterface&lt;C&gt;; the timed event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> void fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventInterface<C> event)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(event, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a serializable object as payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value Serializable; the object sent with the event
     * @return Serializable; the payload
    protected Serializable fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final Serializable value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with no payload object to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
    protected void fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, false);

     * Transmit a timed event that is not verified with no payload object to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> void fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final C time)
        this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, time, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a Serializable object (payload) to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event.
     * @param value Serializable; the payload sent with the event
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @return Serializable; the payload
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> Serializable fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(
            final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType, final Serializable value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value byte; the payload
     * @return byte; the payload
    protected byte fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final byte value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value byte; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return byte; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> byte fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final byte value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value char; the payload
     * @return char; the payload
    protected char fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final char value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value char; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return char; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> char fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final char value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value boolean; the payload
     * @return boolean; the payload
    protected boolean fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final boolean value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value boolean; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return boolean; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> boolean fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final boolean value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a double value payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value double; the payload
     * @return double; the payload
    protected double fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final double value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a double value payload to interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value double; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return double; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> double fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final double value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value int; the payload
     * @return int; the payload
    protected int fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final int value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value int; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return int; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> int fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final int value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a long payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value long; the payload
     * @return long; the payload
    protected long fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final long value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a long payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value long; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return long; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> long fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final long value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a short payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value short; the payload
     * @return short; the payload
    protected short fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final short value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a short payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value short; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return short; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> short fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final short value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);

     * Transmit an event that is not verified with a float payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value float; the payload
     * @return float; the payload
    protected float fireUnverifiedEvent(final EventTypeInterface eventType, final float value)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireEvent(eventType, value, false);

     * Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a float payload to all interested listeners.
     * @param eventType TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
     * @param value float; the payload
     * @param time C; a time stamp for the event
     * @param <C> the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
     * @return float; the payload
    protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> float fireUnverifiedTimedEvent(final TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
            final float value, final C time)
        return this.eventProducerImpl.fireTimedEvent(eventType, value, time, false);
