package org.djutils.base;
* AngleUtil has some base methods to deal with angles, such as normalization between -PI and PI, and between 0 and 2*PI. <br>
* <br>
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. The DJUTILS project is
* distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
* @author <a href="">Peter Knoppers</a>
public final class AngleUtil
/** Utility constructor. */
private AngleUtil()
// Utility constructor
/** The value 2π. */
public static final double PI2 = 2.0 * Math.PI;
* Normalize an angle (in radians) in a 2π wide interval around π, resulting in angles in the 0 to 2π interval. An
* angle value of NaN or Infinity returns NaN.
* @param angle double; the angle in radians to normalize
* @return double; the normalized angle in radians
public static double normalizeAroundPi(final double angle)
return angle - PI2 * Math.floor(angle / PI2);
* Normalize an angle (in radians) in a 2π wide interval around 0, resulting in angles in the -π to π interval. An
* angle value of NaN or Infinity returns NaN.
* @param angle double; the angle in radians to normalize
* @return double; the normalized angle in radians
public static double normalizeAroundZero(final double angle)
return angle + PI2 * Math.floor((-angle + Math.PI) / PI2);
* Return whether two angles (in radians) are less than epsilon apart. The method returns true, for instance when
* epsilonEquals(-Math.PI, Math.PI, 1E-6) is called, since the -PI and +PI angles have the same angle.
* @param angle1 double; the first angle in radians
* @param angle2 double; the second angle in radians
* @param epsilon double; the precision
* @return whether the two angles are less than epsilon apart
public static boolean epsilonEquals(final double angle1, final double angle2, final double epsilon)
if (Math.abs(angle1 - angle2) < epsilon)
return true;
double diff = Math.abs(normalizeAroundZero(angle2) - normalizeAroundZero(angle1));
return diff < epsilon || Math.abs(PI2 - diff) < epsilon;
* Interpolate between two angles that will first be normalized between 0 and 2π, and take the interpolated angle when
* going clockwise from the first angle to the second angle. The fraction indicates where the angle between angle1 and
* angle2 will be. A fraction of 0.0 returns angle1, a fraction of 1.0 returns angle2, and a fraction of 0.5 returns the
* shortest angle halfway. A fraction of less than 0 or larger than 1 can be used for extrapolation. The resulting angle is
* normalized between -π and π. This means that the halfway interpolation between 0 and 2π and between 2π and 0
* are both 0, since the two angles are the same. Likewise, the halfway interpolation between -π and π is +/- π
* where the sign depends on rounding.
* @param angle1 double; the first angle in radians
* @param angle2 double; the second angle in radians
* @param fraction double; the fraction for interpolation; 0.5 is halfway
* @return the normalized angle between angle1 and angle2
public static double interpolateClockwise(final double angle1, final double angle2, final double fraction)
double a1 = normalizeAroundPi(angle1);
double a2 = normalizeAroundPi(angle2);
if (a2 < a1)
a2 += PI2;
return normalizeAroundZero((1.0 - fraction) * a1 + fraction * a2);
* Interpolate between two angles taking the <i>shortest way</i>.
* @param angle1 double; the first angle in radians
* @param angle2 double; the second angle in radians
* @param fraction double; the fraction for interpolation; 0.5 is halfway, 0.0 returns angle1, 1.0 returns angle2.
* @return double; The interpolated angle, normalized around zero. If any input angle is not normalized around zero the
* result will still be normalized, and the exact equality at fraction is 0.0 or 1.0 may not hold. When the
* difference between angle1 and angle2 is very close to an odd multiple of PI, the <i>shortest way</i> between
* those angles is ill-defined. The result of this method reflects this (fundamental) problem.
public static double interpolateShortest(final double angle1, final double angle2, final double fraction)
double result;
if (fraction == 1.0)
result = angle2; // Make sure that the promise of the exact result holds
double difference = angle2 - angle1;
if (difference < -Math.PI)
difference = difference - PI2 * Math.ceil((difference - Math.PI) / PI2);
if (difference > Math.PI)
difference = difference - PI2 * Math.floor((difference + Math.PI) / PI2);
result = angle1 + fraction * difference;
return normalizeAroundZero(result);