Class RemoteEventProducer

    • Field Detail

      • eventProducerImpl

        protected final EventProducerImpl eventProducerImpl
        The EventProducer helper class with the actual implementation to avoid code duplication.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RemoteEventProducer

        public RemoteEventProducer​(String host,
                                   int port,
                                   String bindingKey)
                            throws RemoteException,
        Create a remote event listener and register the listener in the RMI registry. When the RMI registry does not exist yet, it will be created, but only on the local host. Remote creation of a registry on another computer is not possible. Any attempt to do so will cause an AccessException to be fired.
        host - String; the host where the RMI registry resides or will be created. Creation is only possible on localhost.
        port - int; the port where the RMI registry can be found or will be created
        bindingKey - String; the key under which this object will be bound in the RMI registry
        RemoteException - when there is a problem with the RMI registry
        AlreadyBoundException - when there is already another object bound to the bindingKey
        NullPointerException - when host, path, or bindingKey is null
        IllegalArgumentException - when port < 0 or port > 65535
        AccessException - when there is an attempt to create a registry on a remote host
      • RemoteEventProducer

        public RemoteEventProducer​(URL registryURL,
                                   String bindingKey)
                            throws RemoteException,
        Create a remote event listener and register the listener in the RMI registry. When the host has not been specified in the URL, will be used. When the port has not been specified in the URL, the default RMI port 1099 will be used. When the RMI registry does not exist yet, it will be created, but only on the local host. Remote creation of a registry on another computer is not possible. Any attempt to do so will cause an AccessException to be fired.
        registryURL - URL; the URL of the registry, e.g., "http://localhost:1099" or ""
        bindingKey - String; the key under which this object will be bound in the RMI registry
        RemoteException - when there is a problem with the RMI registry
        AlreadyBoundException - when there is already another object bound to the bindingKey
        NullPointerException - when registryURL or bindingKey is null
        AccessException - when there is an attempt to create a registry on a remote host
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceId

        public abstract Serializable getSourceId()
        Provide the sourceId that will be transmitted with the fired Event.
        Specified by:
        getSourceId in interface EventProducerInterface
        Serializable; the sourceId that will be transmitted with the fired Event
      • addListener

        public final boolean addListener​(EventListenerInterface listener,
                                         EventTypeInterface eventType)
                                  throws RemoteException
        Add a listener as strong reference to the BEGINNING of a queue of listeners.
        Specified by:
        addListener in interface EventProducerInterface
        listener - EventListenerInterface; the listener which is interested at events of eventType
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the events of interest
        the success of adding the listener. If a listener was already added false is returned
        RemoteException - If a network connection failure occurs.
      • addListener

        public final boolean addListener​(EventListenerInterface listener,
                                         EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                         ReferenceType referenceType)
                                  throws RemoteException
        Add a listener to the BEGINNING of a queue of listeners.
        Specified by:
        addListener in interface EventProducerInterface
        listener - EventListenerInterface; the listener which is interested at events of eventType
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the events of interest
        referenceType - ReferenceType; whether the listener is added as a strong or as a weak reference
        the success of adding the listener. If a listener was already added false is returned
        RemoteException - If a network connection failure occurs.
        See Also:
      • addListener

        public final boolean addListener​(EventListenerInterface listener,
                                         EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                         int position)
                                  throws RemoteException
        Add a listener as strong reference to the specified position of a queue of listeners.
        Specified by:
        addListener in interface EventProducerInterface
        listener - EventListenerInterface; the listener which is interested at events of eventType
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the events of interest
        position - int; the position of the listener in the queue
        the success of adding the listener. If a listener was already added, or an illegal position is provided false is returned
        RemoteException - If a network connection failure occurs.
      • addListener

        public final boolean addListener​(EventListenerInterface listener,
                                         EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                         int position,
                                         ReferenceType referenceType)
                                  throws RemoteException
        Add a listener to the specified position of a queue of listeners.
        Specified by:
        addListener in interface EventProducerInterface
        listener - EventListenerInterface; which is interested at certain events
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the events of interest
        position - int; the position of the listener in the queue
        referenceType - ReferenceType; whether the listener is added as a strong or as a weak reference
        the success of adding the listener. If a listener was already added or an illegal position is provided false is returned
        RemoteException - If a network connection failure occurs.
        See Also:
      • removeAllListeners

        protected int removeAllListeners()
                                  throws RemoteException
        Remove all the listeners from this event producer.
        int; the number of removed event types
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • removeAllListeners

        protected int removeAllListeners​(Class<?> ofClass)
                                  throws RemoteException
        Removes all the listeners of a class from this event producer.
        ofClass - Class<?>; the class or superclass
        int; the number of removed listeners
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • removeListener

        public final boolean removeListener​(EventListenerInterface listener,
                                            EventTypeInterface eventType)
                                     throws RemoteException
        Remove the subscription of a listener for a specific event.
        Specified by:
        removeListener in interface EventProducerInterface
        listener - EventListenerInterface; which is no longer interested
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the event which is of no interest any more
        the success of removing the listener. If a listener was not subscribed false is returned
        RemoteException - If a network connection failure occurs.
      • numberOfListeners

        public int numberOfListeners​(EventTypeInterface eventType)
                              throws RemoteException
        Return the number of listeners for the provided EventTypeInterface.
        Specified by:
        numberOfListeners in interface EventProducerInterface
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the event type to return the number of listeners for
        boolean; whether the EventProducer has listeners or not
        RemoteException - If a network connection failure occurs.
      • getListenerReferences

        protected List<Reference<EventListenerInterface>> getListenerReferences​(EventTypeInterface eventType)
        Return a safe copy of the list of (strong or weak) references to the registered listeners for the provided event type, or an empty list when nothing is registered for this event type. The method never returns a null pointer, so it is safe to use the result directly in an iterator. The references to the listeners are the original references, so not safe copies.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the event type to look up the listeners for
        List<Reference<EventListenerInterface>>; the list of references to the listeners for this event type, or an empty list when the event type is not registered
      • fireEvent

        protected void fireEvent​(EventInterface event)
                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event to all interested listeners.
        event - EventInterface; the event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> void fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventInterface<C> event)
                                                                        throws RemoteException
        Transmit a timed event to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        event - TimedEventInterface<C>; the timed event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected Serializable fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                         Serializable value)
                                  throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a serializable object as payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - Serializable; the object sent with the event
        Serializable; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected void fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType)
                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with no payload object to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & SerializableSerializable fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                       Serializable value,
                                                                                       C time)
                                                                                throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a Serializable object (payload) to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event.
        value - Serializable; the payload sent with the event
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        Serializable; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected byte fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                 byte value)
                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - byte; the payload
        byte; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> byte fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                               byte value,
                                                                               C time)
                                                                        throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - byte; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        byte; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected char fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                 char value)
                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - char; the payload
        char; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> char fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                               char value,
                                                                               C time)
                                                                        throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - char; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        char; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected boolean fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                    boolean value)
                             throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - boolean; the payload
        boolean; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> boolean fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                  boolean value,
                                                                                  C time)
                                                                           throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - boolean; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        boolean; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected double fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                   double value)
                            throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a double value payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - double; the payload
        double; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> double fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                 double value,
                                                                                 C time)
                                                                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a double value payload to interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - double; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        double; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected int fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                int value)
                         throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - int; the payload
        int; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> int fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                              int value,
                                                                              C time)
                                                                       throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - int; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        int; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected long fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                 long value)
                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a long payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - long; the payload
        long; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> long fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                               long value,
                                                                               C time)
                                                                        throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a long payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - long; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        long; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected short fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                  short value)
                           throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a short payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - short; the payload
        short; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> short fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                short value,
                                                                                C time)
                                                                         throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a short payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - short; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        short; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireEvent

        protected float fireEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                  float value)
                           throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event with a float payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - float; the payload
        float; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> float fireTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                float value,
                                                                                C time)
                                                                         throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event with a float payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - float; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        float; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected void fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventInterface event)
                                    throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event to all interested listeners.
        event - EventInterface; the event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> void fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventInterface<C> event)
                                                                                  throws RemoteException
        Transmit a timed event to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        event - TimedEventInterface<C>; the timed event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected void fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType)
                                    throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with no payload object to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> void fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                         C time)
                                                                                  throws RemoteException
        Transmit a timed event that is not verified with no payload object to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected Serializable fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                   Serializable value)
                                            throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a serializable object as payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - Serializable; the object sent with the event
        Serializable; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & SerializableSerializable fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                                 Serializable value,
                                                                                                 C time)
                                                                                          throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a Serializable object (payload) to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event.
        value - Serializable; the payload sent with the event
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        Serializable; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected byte fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                           byte value)
                                    throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - byte; the payload
        byte; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> byte fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                         byte value,
                                                                                         C time)
                                                                                  throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a one byte payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - byte; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        byte; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected char fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                           char value)
                                    throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - char; the payload
        char; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> char fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                         char value,
                                                                                         C time)
                                                                                  throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a one char payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - char; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        char; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected boolean fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                              boolean value)
                                       throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - boolean; the payload
        boolean; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> boolean fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                            boolean value,
                                                                                            C time)
                                                                                     throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a boolean payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - boolean; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        boolean; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected double fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                             double value)
                                      throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a double value payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - double; the payload
        double; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> double fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                           double value,
                                                                                           C time)
                                                                                    throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a double value payload to interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - double; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        double; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected int fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                          int value)
                                   throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - int; the payload
        int; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> int fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                        int value,
                                                                                        C time)
                                                                                 throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with an integer payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - int; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        int; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected long fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                           long value)
                                    throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a long payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - long; the payload
        long; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> long fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                         long value,
                                                                                         C time)
                                                                                  throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a long payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - long; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        long; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected short fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                            short value)
                                     throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a short payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - short; the payload
        short; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> short fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                          short value,
                                                                                          C time)
                                                                                   throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a short payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - short; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        short; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedEvent

        protected float fireUnverifiedEvent​(EventTypeInterface eventType,
                                            float value)
                                     throws RemoteException
        Transmit an event that is not verified with a float payload to all interested listeners.
        eventType - EventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - float; the payload
        float; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure
      • fireUnverifiedTimedEvent

        protected <C extends Comparable<C> & Serializable> float fireUnverifiedTimedEvent​(TimedEventTypeInterface eventType,
                                                                                          float value,
                                                                                          C time)
                                                                                   throws RemoteException
        Transmit a time-stamped event that is not verified with a float payload to all interested listeners.
        Type Parameters:
        C - the comparable type to indicate the time when the event is fired
        eventType - TimedEventTypeInterface; the eventType of the event
        value - float; the payload
        time - C; a time stamp for the event
        float; the payload
        RemoteException - on network failure