Class NoStorageAccumulator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NoStorageAccumulator
    extends Object
    implements QuantileAccumulator
    The no storage accumulator accumulates nothing and estimates all requested quantiles from mean, standard deviation, etc. (as accumulated by the Tally class object). This is sensible if the input values are normally distributed. Do not use this accumulator when the input values are not normally distributes.
    Peter Knoppers
    • Constructor Detail

      • NoStorageAccumulator

        public NoStorageAccumulator()
    • Method Detail

      • ingest

        public double ingest​(double value)
        Ingest one value with weight 1. Should be called only from the Tally object and AFTER processing the value in the tally.
        Specified by:
        ingest in interface QuantileAccumulator
        value - double; the value
        double; the ingested value
      • getQuantile

        public double getQuantile​(Tally tally,
                                  double probability)
        Compute (or approximate) the value that corresponds to the given fraction (percentile).
        Specified by:
        getQuantile in interface QuantileAccumulator
        tally - Tally; the tally object that accumulates mean, minimum, maximum, count, etc.
        probability - double; value between 0.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive)
        double; the computed or approximated quantile value