Changes Report

Release History

Version Date Description
1.01.03 2019-07-04 byte[][] serialization repaired
1.01.02 2019-07-02 ImmutableLinkedHashMap.values() repaired
1.01.01 2019-07-01 ImmutableLinkedHashMap repaired; serialization of UTF-8, UTF-16
1.01.00 2019-06-21 djutils-serialization project added
1.00.06 2019-05-10 EntrySets added; caching of keySet, values in Map
1.00.05 2019-02-26 ImmutableCollections class added
1.00.04 2019-01-29 Removed logger Cat class
1.00.03 2018-12-18 DecoderDumper package
1.00.02 2019-01-17 ConditionalLogger, HexDump
1.00.01 2018-12-15 Means package
1.00.00 2018-11-17 Initial release

Release 1.01.03 – 2019-07-04

Type Changes By
Fix The byte[][] serialization destroyed the underlying data -- this has been repaired. averbraeck
Update The serializers have all been made strongly typed, avoiding casting. Or actually, the casting has been shifted to the encode method on a higher level. averbraeck

Release 1.01.02 – 2019-07-02

Type Changes By
Fix The ImmutableLinkedHashMap.values() was overriding a non-reproducible values() method from the ImmutableAbstractMap. The ImmutableLinkedHashMap now has its own values() method. averbraeck

Release 1.01.01 – 2019-07-01

Type Changes By
Fix The ImmutableLinkedHashMap returned a non-linked HashSet as EntrySet and as KeySet. This has been repaired. averbraeck
Fix The UTF-8 Strings in djutils-serialization have been improved. The UTF-8 String can now handle 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte and 4-byte characters. The length of the UTF-8 serialized bytes indicates the number of bytes. The length does not say anything about the number of characters. averbraeck
Fix The UTF-16 Strings in djutils-serialization have been improved. The UTF-16 String can now handle 2-byte and 4-byte characters. The length of the UTF-16 String indicates the number of 2-byte shorts in the array. The length does not say anything about the number of characters. averbraeck
Fix The byte array in djutils-serialization has been repaired. The underlying byte array was nulled during serialization. pknoppers
Add ObjectArraySerializer and ObjectMatrixSerializer added. pknoppers
Add SerialDataDumper added to provide insight into structure of the serialized data. pknoppers

Release 1.01.00 – 2019-06-21

Type Changes By
Add The djunits-serialization project has been added to serialize and deserialize different classes including djunits scalars, vectors and matrices in a strongly typed manner. pknoppers

Release 1.00.06 – 2019-05-10

Type Changes By
Add EntrySets have been added to the ImmutableMap classes. averbraeck
Update The keySet(), values() and entrySet() methods cache the results as these are often called. averbraeck

Release 1.00.05 – 2019-02-26

Type Changes By
Add The ImmutableCollections class has been added, which takes care of those functions of the Collections class that do not update the (immutable) collections that the methods receive as arguments. averbraeck

Release 1.00.04 – 2019-01-29

Type Changes By
Remove Cat class in the logger package belongs in dsol, not in djutils, so removed it. averbraeck

Release 1.00.03 – 2018-12-18

Type Changes By
Add The 'decoderdumper' package has been added to the djutils project, extending and replacing HexDump. pknoppers

Release 1.00.02 – 2019-01-17

Type Changes By
Add The CategoryLogger has been extended with a 'when(condition)' static method. A call like CategoryLogger.when(ok).always().info("Ok"); is now possible. averbraeck
Add The HexDump class has been added to djutils to create hexadecimal dumps of data. pknoppers
Update Copyright message changed to 2019. averbraeck

Release 1.00.01 – 2018-12-15

Type Changes By
Add The 'means' package has been added to the djutils project. pknoppers

Release 1.00.00 – 2018-11-17

Type Changes By
Add Several classes from other projects that are heavily shared between the projects, but not specific for one of the projects have been transferred to the djutils project. averbraeck